[quote]5.0 wrote:
Or, do yourself the favor of going with the enanthate ester, with an oral jumpstart.
What are the chances of some before photos?[/quote]
Well, I would except that I’m not able to afford to change mid-cycle :). I’ll ride this out, and I’m sure I’ll get excellent results. Next time I’ll go for enanthate or something else.
Chances aren’t good my friend, because I forgot to take any, even for myself :(. I really should have I imagine, but I just jumped in. At this point though, I don’t look much different.
I have a very keen memory of precisely how I looked at my regular wt. of 225-230, so I’ll be able to compare pretty well from memory I think.
I generally just look at my progress in a mirror to see whether I’m doing what I need to. Of course, that doesn’t happen as often as it would if I were a pure bb’er…but it seems to be happening more and more lately
By way of apology, my biceps have gone up .25 inches in a week (cold, unflexed, 90 degree bend). bicep is only 16.75" flexed, touch under 16 unflexed, both cold. I’m hoping to get the flexed measurement to 18" by the end of this period.
Upper leg is at 27.25" to begin (cold, unflexed, standing), down from 28.5" at my lean peak early this year. Very much a newb when it comes to tape measurement placement and all.
Obviously, I carry all my weight in my legs and back :). Definitely not my arms, but then I never worked my bi’s (w/direct movements) seriously before either.