Is TRT Safe? Here's What a Big New Study Says


But monthly salary is 472$ and I work at a private university as an assistant professor :frowning:

I hope things get better for you and your countryā€™s economy, my friend.

ā€¦especially in the face of evidence for the therapeutic value of testosterone for women thatā€™s been available since 2001 (date of revised edition) in a book like MD Elizabeth Lee Vlietā€™s 600+ page ā€œScreaming To Be Heardā€, Hormone Connections Women Suspect but Doctors Ignore".

Also, in the face of the data thatā€™s been collecting dust since at least 1939 (THIRTY-nine) for the therapeutic value of T for women (see, for example, hostile-witness John Hobermanā€™s historical recount of TRT, his 2005 ā€œTestosterone Dreamsā€, pages 83, 84.

For a personal anecdote, just ask my wife of 42 years, who was born with Lifelong, Generalized Hypoactive Sexual Desire (meaning, essentially, ā€œzero need/urge/hunger for sexā€; no libido), for whom a prescription for testosterone finally gave her what sheā€™d long lamented she was missing, being able to enjoy thā€™ ice cream as sheā€™d observed most everyone else enjoying it through her life.

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Thanks for sharing your experience, much appreciated!

Thatā€™s great, glad to hear it!

I think this explains it, but itā€™s not as fun as government conspiracies

All of these studies are important sure, but the one thing that bothers me to this day is that the body is a system with many parts. The brain keeps the body and its parts in homeostasis as you age. Once you start introducing elements into the system that arenā€™t natural you then take the risk of throwing something else off. Itā€™s an intricate and well controlled process that has evolved over thousands of years. Itā€™s a real concern honestly that many people donā€™t think about because theyā€™re too focused on these studies and instant benefits. This is why I think physicians who donā€™t work in a trt clinic are so cautious about placing patients who are low normal on trt because they know how the body works and if youā€™re eating healthy and exercising and doing all the right things, sometimes itā€™s best to just let the system run on its own. Itā€™s funny how some members on here are throwing big pharma under the bus, but clearly theyā€™re still profiting from these testosterone prescriptions especially with the newly patented versions of test and will continue to do so as trt clinic pill mills continue to grow and thrive. The physicians at these clinics (they are NOT hormone doctors, usually internal medicine), are also profiting heavily and most of them donā€™t practice what they preach. Itā€™s laughable really the whole thing. So there are two sides to this and Iā€™m all for trt but I think itā€™s overprescribed currently. I personally hope the fda cracks down on these clinics soon because theyā€™re causing more harm than good imo.

Actually TRT is under prescribed for those that actually need it. The university of Miami published a study showing 20 percent of men between adolescence age and up to 39 years old are suffering from low testosterone.

Only small percentage of these men are actually being treated with TRT. Youā€™re probably right about one thing though, itā€™s overprescribed for men that donā€™t need it.

I believe if people want to optimize their hormones for longevity, they should have that right to do so, but responsibly and safely.


TRT is safe, thereā€™s little debate within the current consensus as to whether legitimate trt (say aiming for mid to upper portion of the ref range) is safe or not

There are obvious contraindicationsā€¦ like having androgen receptor responsive subtypes of cancer.

However when this forum talks about ā€˜trtā€™ many (including erronously myself in the past) have touted higher dosages as being appropriate for long term use.

If your nadir 6 days post shot is 1200ng/dlā€¦ that is not TRT, and the jury has yet to come to a consensus regarding long term prognosis.


20 percent sounds kind of high. Iā€™d like to see that study if you donā€™t mind. Thanks for your response.


25-30 year olds now electing to run a lifetime of supra T levels. What could go wrong? I hope nothing.

Educate yourself before going down the TRT (TOT) road.

Testosterone deficiency has a prevalence of 10%-40% among adult males, and 20% among AYA men aged 15-39 years, he added. Therefore, Lokeshwar and colleagues hypothesized that serum total testosterone levels will decline in AYA men.


This is something I see way too commonly on trt forums; men with low testosterone, coupled with all the symptoms that come with it, and yet their doctor or endo wonā€™t prescribe testosterone for some vague or irrational reason. I donā€™t get why physicians seem so anti-testosterone.


For the same reason physicians are absurdly reluctant to prescribe painkillers nowadays, going as far as to refuse post operative use.

Testosterone, like painkillers has been subject to abuse

As a result regulatory bodies have cracked down so hard, those who legitimately require trearment may be turned away because the doctor worries about getting audited.

With testosterone thereā€™s also a lack of education, however what iā€™ve said still stands.

Testosterone replacement is like pain managementā€¦ very risky for the doctors, even though it shouldnā€™t be.

Cracking down on legal, legitimate avenues doesnā€™t solve the problem associated with illicit useā€¦ the process of thought that led to punishing doctors and patients to deter black market use has me dumbfoundedā€¦ soā€¦ so stupidā€¦


I donā€™t disagree with your underlying argument at all, but to this specific point: surgery has changed. Many common procedures can be performed less invasive it, with reduced trauma, lower gas pressures, and shorter times under anesthesia; these factors tend to result in reduced post-operative pain. If you donā€™t need a narcotic, itā€™s best not to take a narcotic you know?

To un-derail, I think itā€™s fair to say that thought process can swing too broadly and we stop prescribing any therapeutics for non-life-threatening conditions.

I canā€™t think of many surgeries that donā€™t involve fairly extensive postoperative pain

Even arthroscopic surgery can be quite painful

If youā€™re having a meatoplasty or minor surgeryā€¦ you would be correct. I had a cystoscopyā€¦ thereā€™s no need for anything aside from paracetamol to treat discomfort associated with that.

Open shoulder surgery to repair multiple tears and cut/re attatch bicep tendonā€¦ I had a PCA and was sent home with 7 days worth of narcoticsā€¦ It was necessary because that procedure was painful

If you are having arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (I has open surgery, hurts a lot more), hardware put in for broken bones, hernia surgery, teeth removed etc

Chances are youā€™ll need narcotics in the first 2-3 days

Contrary to popular beliefā€¦ you arenā€™t going to ger addicted from a script of sayā€¦ 15 -20 vicodin tablets

You could say "but only the most severe pain requires narcoticsā€™
This isnā€™t true. Uncontrolled postoperative pain leads to inferior outcomes, there is a huge body of data covering this topic

Can even lead to chronic pain. If the pain is going to be consistently higher than sayā€¦ a 5/10 post operatively (no one can sleep with a constant 5/10+)ā€¦ just take the narcotics

They arenā€™t the boogeymen the media makes them out to be so long as you arenā€™t chasing a high.

America is participarly squeamish over this due to the opiate epidemicā€¦ but opiate addiction seldom stems from legitimate use for post operarive painā€¦ or chronic painā€¦

Addiction stems from prescribing too much, prescribing inappropriatelyā€¦ and the biggest variableā€¦ addiction stems from people stealing meds, selling meds on the street etc.

Most addicts become addicts through illicit useā€¦ not licit use.