Glad to hear you didn’t jump the gun too soon! While 35 isn’t ‘too young’ its not ideal of course if you can make lifestyle changes. Its nice to hear a success story.
Lucky son of a bitch!
Rejoice. haha
Thanks. I wanted to demonstrate that for some people, sometimes your natural testosterone levels are higher than you think they are, and certain lifestyle habits are suppressing it. I don’t have any personal issue with TRT, but from what I’ve read, once you take it you have to get it for life.
Now just need to continue training hard so I look like I lift. May need to give building the monolith or super squats a go sometime this year.
I’m coming up on my 30th year training. I have a kick ass physique at 43 years old that even women in their mid twenties love. I’m VERY thankful I’ve stuck with it all these years.
My biggest advice i can give you is consistency is key. Consistency in going to the gym, but also in actually training. Don’t just go through the motions and leave. That’s a huge waste. And also know when to switch up routines.
I jumped on at 33.
I thought I was going to have to, but it appears based on my most recent results that overtraining and undereating, can in fact have negative consequences on testosterone levels.
Total T is great !! What about your SHBG ? I can be wrong, your total test is amazinf, but your free test is low. Free T ranges always confuse me and it´s hard to understand where I am at. (300ng/dl total T with 23pg/ml free T). Your example just put me wondering,…
What would an experienced doctor say when looking at yours and mine labs ?