Insults people have given you?

Kind of a counterbalance to the “Compliments…” thread, but the other day I’m in the gym and there’s a new guy, he says “Yeah this is my first time here, do you come in here very much?” Like he couldn’t tell I’m in the gym all the time. Asshole.

editor’s note: Honeslty, he probably couldn’t tell. But I’m working on it.

I don’t know if they are insults, but more and more, guys are giving me tough guy stares and puffing their chests out when I walk by them.

This has been a more recent phemomenon for me, and I don’t know how to handle it. I think it is silly, so usually I just smile.

Other times people just stay away from me, I think I give off a cold and standoffish aura that repels people. Maybe I should work on that.

[quote]skaz05 wrote:
Other times people just stay away from me, I think I give off a cold and standoffish aura that repels people. Maybe I should work on that.[/quote]

But you look so friendly in your avatar…