I was reading some old posts in the forum and came across a post by Swale that stated infrequent injections of test enanthate (every 10-14 days, or more) greatly increased the risk of polycythemia. Anyone know why that is?
i really dont know what poly whatever is. but my guess is because of higher injection volume.
Polycythemia is a blood disorder in which there is an excess of red blood cells flowing through your body. Symptoms include fatigue, headache, shortness of breathe, bleeding, dizziness, itchy skin, high blood pressure (hypertension). Treatment may include: phlebotomy (process of removing blood from the body to reduce cell levels), chemotherapy, bone marrow transplantation, drugs.
The symptoms are common sides of steroid use.
Infrequent injections of Test E would put you at a higher risk compared to running a full blown cycle, but they would not elevate your risk compared to someone not using any Test E.
Make sure you understand the context of these Swale quotes.
I follow that he meant higher risk when compared to someone running Test E at more frequent intervals. Just wondering why that is.
Lets all get out our knives and bleed ourselves! (remember to swab with alchohol first though) :)!
I really messed that one up.
Infrequent injections of Test E would put you at a higher risk compared to running a full blown cycle, but they would not elevate your risk compared to someone not using any Test E.
What I meant to say was that infrequent injections of Test E would put you at a higher risk compared to no injections whatsoever - and infrequent injections would be less risky than running a full blown cycle.
Most cyclists I know love this side effect. They even augment it with EPO at 5000iu/ week split in three injects.
Every good cyclist now days has a home hematocrit tester… with test/epo/iron, you can hit over 50 easy.
better have the asprin ready ED.