Infinite Jest anyone?

I’ve been reading this book called “Infinite Jest” by David Foster Wallace and it’s incredible. Has anyone read it? If so, what did you think of it?

What’s it about?

He’s gonna be the new creative writing prof at Pomona College (my alma mater) starting in the Fall. Quite a coup for the school.

Dammit, I have this book. I got it, about 5-years ago. Have read only a very small portion of it. Gotta sit down and read it - this time from cover to cover. But from what I remember, I liked it very much. I do like how Wallace writes.

It’s set in a tennis academy and an addicts’ half-way house and it’s about how entertainment rules our lives. As I’m only half way through, it’s hard for me to do a compete summary on it so I kind paraphrased the back cover.
Quality stuff though… I can’t say enough good things about it. Every page forces you to think about something…

Yeah I too got it about 5 years ago and I shelved it because I was too busy. Well I just recently saw it at Bookstar and I tore through my trunk to find it. Kinda funny because I just bought a new car 4 months ago but I transfered the mess from one trunk to another…
Anyway, enjoy it!