You should go to a doctor. Rose bushes can spread a fungal infection caused by a fungus called Sporothrix schenckii. The disease that can develope is called sporotrichosis here is a list of sypmtoms from e-medicine:
Sporotrichosis Symptoms:
Once the mold spores move into the skin, the disease takes days-to-months to develop.
The first symptom is a firm bump (nodule) on the skin that can range in color from pink to nearly purple. The nodule is usually painless or only mildly tender.
Over time, the nodule may develop an open sore (ulcer) that may drain clear fluid.
Untreated, the nodule and the ulcer become chronic and may remain unchanged for years.
In about 60% of cases, the mold spreads along the lymph nodes. Over time, new nodules and ulcers spread in a line up the infected arm or leg. These can also last for years.
In very rare cases, the infection can spread to other parts of the body.
The disease can infect the bones, joints, lungs, and brain.
Such spreading usually occurs only in people with a weakened immune system.
These infections can be life threatening and are difficult to treat.
So as you can see this can be quite serious so do not fuck around.
Also you could have developed cellulitis, which is a bacterial infection again this is something that you should not fuck around with. It can go systemic meaning into your bloodstream leading to all kinds of problems you do not need.
I had cellulitis that was not properly treated and landed in the hospital for a day hooked up to IV antibiotics, that is a bill you do not want to have believe me. So go to a doctor and get the proper treament and you will be fine makes no sense at all to screw around with this even if you think it is nothing, play it safe or you may wish you had.
Offer to pay cash and the doctor you go to may offer a time of service discount and even maybe some free samples again something that worked for me once when I was younger and got sick and had no coverage.
Good luck.