Increasing 1 RM on Back Squats

I know that the only way to improve 1 RM is the Maximum Effort method. I’m not sure about a few things:

-How many sets are recommended on Max Effort Squat day ? Are 3 to 5 sets okay?

-How many times a week should I have a Max Effort Squat Workout? If I have Max Effort Squat Day a few times a week (1 - 2), what should I do on my other workout days (when I’m not resting), considering I have never done heavy squats before?

[quote]Blasta wrote:
I know that the only way to improve 1 RM is the Maximum Effort method. quote]

You, sir, are very wrong.

Go find the powerlifting forum mate.


Thank you mister Henriques!

Utilize the wendler 5/3/1 powerlifting manual. This will guide you on your goal.