Incorporating Plyo/Cardio to Starr 5x5

I was interested in starting the starr 5x5 program but wanted to know if anyone has experience incorporating cardio and plyo into the program.

Most people seem to say to keep physical activity to a minimum during the off days, but I wanted to know what people think.


Just throw it in, it might be a bit to taxing on the body but you will still probably progress on everything.

Why do some people seem to associate plyometrics and cardio? They don’t really go together.

I suppose it’s possible, but avoid the “kitchen sink” scenario where you try to do everything in the world at once. Mike Robertson posted an excellent article a couple days ago and, among other things, he said that you should be able to justify everything in your routine. In other words, why specifically are you doing the plyos? Why are you doing the cardio? In all honesty unless it’s very low-intensity cardio, it would probably be better to do it and the plyos in different cycles. Otherwise you’d probably confuse the hell out of your nervous system.