Guys, please help me! I started my last diet of the year 10 days ago. I lost alot of bodyfat this spring with the fat fast diet, going from about 17% fat to 11%. I’m now about 10%, but I still have alot of fat in the belly area and the chest. No fat in my arms or legs. I use Md6 with T2, lose weight normally, but the goddamn belly fat and chest fat stays there. I’m on a keto diet right now. Will adding Androsol help? I don’t know…cardio…Thanx everybody!
you hit the nail right on the head my man…cardio. it get a bad wrap, but it also gets the job done too. you are just gonna have to use brute force to get the rest off. kevo
So I guess starting now, it’s no freaking mercy on bodyfat! Low-Cal, no carb, cardio. D’Oh!
Join BFL!!! just kidding, relax. sometimes diets, go stale and when they do we need to switch them up. If keto is sucking, then Carb up, simple as that. while you are at it change routine