Interesting news, especially given the involvement of the Weston Price Institute.,0,1740841.story?page=1
Interesting news, especially given the involvement of the Weston Price Institute.,0,1740841.story?page=1
Nothing surprising here, just another use of the mushroom theory.
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
Nothing surprising here, just another use of the mushroom theory. [/quote]
I don’t understand what you mean by that. I do however agree that soy is bad news to some people. It’s widely documented on how bad it can be for some.
[quote]Gregus wrote:
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
Nothing surprising here, just another use of the mushroom theory. [/quote]
I don’t understand what you mean by that. I do however agree that soy is bad news to some people. It’s widely documented on how bad it can be for some. [/quote]
The mushroom theory is the basic terminology of how inmates view how the government handles them. You treat them like mushrooms, you feed them shit and you keep them in the dark.
The problem is, the food served in K-12 is modeled after prison food. This is well documented.
So they start serving this crap to prisoners first and then in no time they’re giving it to kids. It’s already happening.
WPI is radically pro-fat, anti-carb. Anyone who hasn’t already should check out the articles on their site. It is good to see them getting mainstream exposure.