Ok, can someone please tell me how illegal aliens can sue? The issue doesn’t matter.
How can they sue?!? They have no rights whatsoever.
Ok, can someone please tell me how illegal aliens can sue? The issue doesn’t matter.
How can they sue?!? They have no rights whatsoever.
“They have no rights whatsoever”
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. We should all get out and rape us some illegals, right, because they don’t have a piece of paper saying they belong to this country?
Tell that to the millions of illegals working in California right now, under the table.
Well, they have inealienable rights, it just depends how far you stretch those to fit into legal rights.
I personally dont think they should be getting driver’s licenses though.
You do realize though that in the southern states with illegals working daily many of them end up paying taxes/ssi and have no way to get it back, so they aren’t all deadbeats on the system.
And in many parts of the country certain industries just wouldn’t function without illegals. Many agriculture practices, lots of construction, lawn care, meat packing… There are many jobs out there that “regular” americans just wont do, even if they pay well. And illegals are happy to pick up the slack.
Even here in minnesota we have a lot of them, I see some nearly every day when I drive past the big wholesale nursery fields. Also see them doing roofing frequently, and lawn care is a staple of illegals, not to mention the meat processing industry in minnesota.
There are many issues with the whole illegal alien thing, and due to business constraints we really cant afford to just kick em all out, and on the same hand we cant be giving them all the same rights since they arent really participating in society the same way.
I saw a news report the other day that said something like “If an illegal alien hasn’t broken any laws in this country, why should we deny them welfare/drivers license/jobs…” Something like that anyway.
OK, I think the term “Illegal alien” sort of implies that they have already broken some laws. Maybe the immigration laws, for starters.
I guess that’s why they are now usually referred to as “Undocumented immigrants” so we won’t judge them for breaking the law.
Another point. Don’t you know that ANYONE can sue for ANYTHING? That way there is no personal reponsibility for your actions. You really need to get with the times here, Neil.
If a criminal can sue, and win, because he was injured breaking into someones house, who are we to say that an illegal alien doesn’t have the right to tie up our courts and use our tax money to sue. It’s the American way.
If they can travel across the universe to our planet, adbuct out people, mutalete our cows, and make funky designs in our crop fields, I think we’d better not say “no” to them if they want to sue someone.