If Your Avatar is a Picture of You...

My turn. FUck all I want is a wormwood hat and playoff beard in my god damn avatar!!!

haha this one’s good.

double hat!

Wormwood, I will be very impressed if you can put a hat on my GIF while still allowing it to be animated! C’MON DOIT!!!

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:

[quote]coolnatedawg wrote:
Just use MSPaint you lazy fucks[/quote]

bullshit, i’ve spent the last two years creating an internet persona so the newbs would do shit for me[/quote]

[quote]AndrewG909 wrote:
Wormwood, I will be very impressed if you can put a hat on my GIF while still allowing it to be animated! C’MON DOIT!!![/quote]

Why’d this thread have to come up now, I haven’t reinstalled my abode studio stuff since a reformat. Wonder if some of the free online ones can do the trick like GIMP.

[quote]AndrewG909 wrote:
Wormwood, I will be very impressed if you can put a hat on my GIF while still allowing it to be animated! C’MON DOIT!!![/quote]

i’m not god, sorry.

[quote]Vegita wrote:
Shit Help!


Rotating stuff in paint is hard.

[quote]PB Andy wrote:
My turn. FUck all I want is a wormwood hat and playoff beard in my god damn avatar!!![/quote]

i’ve tried and tried and tried but that angle just isn’t ghey enough.

[quote]The other Rob wrote:
Rotating stuff in paint is hard.[/quote]

haha but your struggles weren’t in vain, that is hilarious.

[quote]WormwoodTheory wrote:

I make that hat look good.

Thanks Wormwood!

I think Nate’s is too funny

[quote]mom-in-MD wrote:
ghey hats don’t suit me. [/quote]

Wormy needs to put your hat on in the same direction as mine. Then you’ll be totally rocking it out cuz we already know you look great in hats :slight_smile:

Pootie wants ghey hat too.

[quote]Vegita wrote:
Shit Help!


I actually think Vegita’s avatar is currently the best. Mainly because it looks like he’s the little brother trying to play with all the big kids, but he just can’t do it. That boxer was so pretty before you put a ghey hat with a fuzzy white border all around it.

this shit is win