[quote]Professor X wrote:
You might not care that I think this thing is great…but for those with just a little “geek” in them, this may be worth a look.
Whoa…Prof X plays Video Games???
Now thats a concept difficult to accept…
[quote]Professor X wrote:
You might not care that I think this thing is great…but for those with just a little “geek” in them, this may be worth a look.
Whoa…Prof X plays Video Games???
Now thats a concept difficult to accept…
[quote]Haramdar wrote:
I sleep, eat, goto school, work, workout,eat, repeat. Thats it, so if I have enough down time ( at work or school!!!) then you better believe that my ass is playing a video game to pass the time. [/quote]
do you guys have any games that you would recommend. i’ve had mine since launch day and the only game i own is fifa soccer (nothing else seemed to good), have you played the socom game or the gta? if so, is it good. let me know because christmas is a couple weeks away.
[quote]BrwnbellyYankee wrote:
Haramdar wrote:
I sleep, eat, goto school, work, workout,eat, repeat. Thats it, so if I have enough down time ( at work or school!!!) then you better believe that my ass is playing a video game to pass the time.
do you guys have any games that you would recommend. i’ve had mine since launch day and the only game i own is fifa soccer (nothing else seemed to good), have you played the socom game or the gta? if so, is it good. let me know because christmas is a couple weeks away.[/quote]
I already wrote above that Marvel Nemesis is very good. That lord of the Rings strategy game isn’t bad either. It is sort of like Chess taken to the next level (that level being a story line, great graphics and using hobbits and a future king instead of pawns).
How is the WiFi internet on it? Can you visit T-Nation?
yup wifi is GREAT on it
hella better than a sidekick.
[quote]TriGWU wrote:
How is the WiFi internet on it? Can you visit T-Nation?[/quote]
I either haven’t been close to a connection or simply need to read the manual (I hate reading instruction manuals as I would rather figure it out on my own). In all honesty, I am near computers all day so it isn’t like the need has ever come up.
[quote]TheArrow wrote:
Professor X wrote:
You might not care that I think this thing is great…but for those with just a little “geek” in them, this may be worth a look.
Whoa…Prof X plays Video Games???
Now thats a concept difficult to accept…
You must have missed a lot of his posts, my friend! Didn’t you see the PS3 vs. XBox 360 debate?
I like the Need for Speed series. Ridge Racer is also good. Can ya tell I like racing games? I dont know if I could sit down(have enough DOWNTIME) long enough to get into an RPG on the PSP. Oh on the Wifi thing, I can get connected when in a HotSpot, but when I get on there (come to T-Nation for instance) I get a whopping 1/10th the screen, and have the hardest time trying to navigate the site that way. Anyone mess with their’s enough to know how to fix this?
Start the browser. Press triangle to bring up the options. There is an option to set the viewing. I’m not looking at the device right now, but I think it “text” or “viewing”. Change the mode to “just fit”. This works the best for me on most sites. Hold down square and the analog stick to navigate.
T-Nation was actually the first website I visited on the PSP. I think the old layout was a little more friendly with it, but you can still get around if you take your time.
The PSP kicks major ass. The games look great and the movies are convenient and crisp. I havent invested the money in a memory card big enough to add a decent mp3 collection on. It’s probably a little to big to be convenient anyway.
Interesting fact :
Although the PSP and new Nintendo DS are the “New Holiday Toys” they both still fall behind the sales of the GBA, which has been around for YEARS now. In November, the PSP sold 340,000 units, the DS sold 380,000 and the GBA sold…900,000 !!! Pretty impressive for an old system.
All of the kids on the Rutgers football team get free PSP’s. What a load of horse shit. They look pretty cool though. If you don’t mind forking up a little cash it looks worth it.
Im glad you guys favor the PSP over the DS…shudder
I think both machines kick ass. I don’t see a point in being a fanboy for either company, why not play the best games on both systems? The DS has games the PSP will NEVER be able to copy because of its unique features. Both are fairly equal in the graphics department, and nintendo is known for having stellar games.