Damn I suck at updating this log …
Thursdays Incline upper Session
4x8 + 1x9 with 35kg/77lb.
Paused Bench: 42.5kg/94lbs, 50kg/ 110lb and 55kg/121lb all for 3 reps
10 Barbell Rows
5x Weighted pull ups
4x DB Bench Press
4x Seated Shoulder DB press
Yesterdays Lower Plyo day
6x3 Jumping Hex deadlifts ( recorded these and felt like the speed and height was good)
6x3 triple jumps over 1x small hurdle, 1x medium hurdle, 1x 26 inch Box
6x3 Box jumps
3x3 Bulgarian Split Squat jumps
3x Ladder footwork drill
10 Kicks on the bag each leg. (As fast and hard as possible)
3x Max effort push on the prowler
3x sprint pushing the prowler
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Yesterday’s upper body plyo session
6x3 plyo push ups ground to box
6x3 plyo push ups with feet elevated
3x3 single arm ball throws
3x3 double arm push
3x3 each side rotating ball throws
3x6 ball throws lying on a bench
3x3 heavy medicine ball throws
3x Max effort weighted sled rope pulls
3x Flat db press
3x Neutral grip incline db press
3x shoulder raises
5x rows
3x MR pull ups
3x Iso lateral row machine
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Deadlifts 8 waves Intensification week
The prescribed warm up sets + 2x8 and 1x 10 with 102.5kg/ 226lbs
Deficit Deadlifts
3x 80kg/176lbs
3x 90kg/ 198lb
3x 100kg/220lb
Pause squats
3x4 ( 5 second pause) with 75kg/ 165lb
3x Good mornings
I also did bicep curls during the rest period of pause squats and also did 10 sets of rows. I feel like the volume i’m getting on accessory muscles is lacking so going to try and fit them in like so.
Bench 8 waves Intensification week
The prescribed warm up sets + 2x8 and 1x10 with 52.5kg/ 115lbs
3x5 Close Grip Bench Press
3x8 seared rows super setted with face pulls
5x4 Weighted pull ups
4x6 Incline DB Press
3x seated shoulder press
3x super set of neutral grip pull ups and T-bar row machine
3 bicep curls
3x Rolling DB extensions
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Squat 8 waves Intensification week
The prescribed warm up sets+ 2x8 and 1x 10 with 90kg/ 198lbs
7x1 pin squats with 85kg/ 187lbs
Sumo deadlift (5/3/1%): 90kg/198lbs x 3, 100kg/220lbs x 3 and 115kg/253lbs x 3
3x6 RDL and 10x bent over rows
Today was a very weird work out. Injured my finger by it getting squashed between 2 plates BEFORE THE WARM UP and it wouldnt stop bleeding for the whole workout. I completely bled through 2 plasters so after I did the main work i decided to head to work early
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Incline Bench (instead of Military Press) 8 waves Intensification week
The prescribed warm up sets+ 2x8 and 1x 10 with 35kg/ 88lbs
Paused Bench: 50kg/ 110lb, 52.5kg/116lb and 60kg/132lb all for 3 reps
5x Weighted pull ups
4x DB Bench Press
4x Seated Shoulder DB press
3x bicep curls
3x tricep extensions
Not a great day. Not a great end of the week just been fatigued due to work stress and havent really managed to recover from MMA training so skipping the Plyo workouts this week.
Also theres a very weird thing happening with my weight at the moment which I need to deal with. I think I may of miscalculated my Kcals… Basically I’m now 1200kcals up from a month ago (when gyms re opened). I added 1000kcals in one go and I didnt get the initial weight increase/ water retention due to carbs and actually lost a tiny bit of weight so I added 200 extra to reassess. My weight then jumped by 2/3lb in a week after adding those 200 kcals. I’m unsure if that’s a calories mistake or just a delayed weight gain from increase in carbs and glycogen stores + water retention etc
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Deadlifts 8 waves Realisation week
The prescribed warm up sets + 2x8 and 1x 10 (or 11 I actually lost count and thought I was recording so didnt bother counting… BUT the damn phone decided to not record) with 112.5kg/ 248lbs
Deficit Deadlifts
5x 85kg/187bs
3x 95kg/ 209lb
1x 107.5kg/237lb
Pause squats
3x3 ( 3 second pause) with 90kg/ 198lb
I also did 10 sets of bent over rows super setted inbetween the deficit deads and Pause squats
Super set 3 x Good mornings, DB swings and seated cable rows
Overall not too happy with the final MR set with only getting 2/3 extra. That’s only and increase of 5kg/11lb so the 1rm for next cycle will be 145kg/319lb
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Yesterday’s Bench Realisation session
1x10 with 57.5kg/ 127lbs (So 2 more reps which means 2.5kg increase/ 5lb to max for next cycle)
3x5 Close Grip Bench Press
3x8 seared rows super setted with face pulls
5x4 Weighted pull ups
4x6 Incline DB Press
3x seated shoulder press
3 bicep curls
3x Rolling DB extensions
Today’s Squat Realisation session
100kg/220lb x 12 (so 10kg / 22lb increase to next training max)
4 x 1 with 95kg/209lbs for pin squats
Sumo dead: 100kg/220lb x 5, 107.5kg/237lb x
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Incline Realisation Session
The prescribed warm up sets and 10x 45kg/ 99lbs (2 more reps which means 2.5kg increase)
Paused bench: 50kg/110lb x 5, 55kg/121lb x 3, 65kg/ 143 lb x 1
5x weighted pull ups
4x DB Press supersetted with DB rows
3x seated shoulder press
4x Face pulls
Little arm and front delt super set
So again only got 2 more reps on my MR set. Not happy. I am in 2 minds either deload next week or skip this weeks Plyo days, Skip MMA training for the rest of the week (so Friday -Monday complete rest) and use that as a mini deload and start the next cycle monday. Any advice?
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I counted 20+ workouts in 4.5 weeks. It could be time for a deload. Unfortunately, I suck with deloads. Your idea of a mini deload through the weekend isn’t a bad idea. I’m not familiar with the program you’re running so I can’t say what’s best. If it’s intended to be six tough weeks then I suggest to keep going. If it’s meant to be more long term like 5/3/1 then you might want to deload.
I see you mentioning that you only get two more reps on your MR sets. That’s still progress. You won’t progress at a linear rate forever.
How’s the body weight journey going?
Unfortunately that’s only the gym workouts. MMA/ skills training easily doubles that.
It’s a 16 week programme with a deload every 4th week in the original copy and in the 2nd copy that was changed to every 7th. But because it is a programme designed for people who train for a sport as well it is programmed in a way which accounts for added fatigue from sport training and weekly games.
100% Agree I think I’m just impatient with getting back to pre-covid lockdown levels.
Sitting around 126/127lbs at the moment so a 4lb (ish) in 6 weeks which is around what I would have expected. I did think I would have a 2lb increase straight away due to carb increase and then 1/2lb increase a week. However I increased by 1000kcal and actually lost weight and then the scale didnt budge… Added 200kcals and then the weight increased massively that week and then has been slowly creeping up since then.
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Just a quick update on how the weight is increasing.
. . . that puts it as a 55lb/25kg increase in weight and i’m not sure if I should add that. I mean I don’t think that I would be able to hit the predicted 1rm for a single… But the working numbers for the next cycle would be doable soo . . .
Hey Hustle,
Your body is tuned for volume right now so you should just run with it. Dont change the numbers. There’s plenty time to shave it down to heavier neural work.
That said, Mike Israetel has great programming videos including the thinking behind juggernaut, because of course everything has to be individualized at least a little. Not sure if they’re on LBRY yet though; I don’t know where you could find them.
Ten sessions a week is tough. When I did it I kept half of them to 40 minutes or less.
Then got one night of 4 hours sleep.
And I got injured that next day. So be careful.
Just our of curiosity - do you plan to compete in BJJ? If the answer is no then I would encourage you to continue to gain weight over the next year or two (2-3 lbs per month). Eat to fuel your training.
I do plan on competing (one day) but at the moment I agree with you and I am focusing on gaining weight/ strength.
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Deadlifts 5 waves Accumulation week
4x5 and 1x10 with 102.5kg/226lbs
Deficit Deadlifts
5x 75kg/ 165lb
5x 87.5kg/ 192lb
5x 100kg/ 220lb
Pause squats
3x5 ( 7 second pause) with 67.5kg/ 149lb
Superset: 3x Goodmornings, DB swings, DB RDL to drag row
Also did 10x Rows + 3x seated rows to get some added back volume
Decent day.
Felt a little twinge in my left shoulder during MMA (got caught in a shoulder lock) so going to ice that and hope bench day goes ahead tomorrow issues free
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Bench 5 Waves Acumulation week
4x5 and 1x 10 with 52.5kg/ 115lbs
3x5 Close Grip Bench Press supersetted with bent over Kettlebell rows
5x Weighted pull ups
4x6 Incline DB Press supersetted with facepulls
3x seated shoulder press
Arms ( Curls, extensions etc)
Not much to report about managed to double the reps again today on the MR set which is always nice! Not getting too excited with this being only 70% of max but felt good today.
Probably noticed the addition of suppersets for extra back work/ rear delt work hopefully this works to help shoulder health, posture.
Squat 5 waves Accumulation week
4x5 and 1x11 with 95kg/ 209lb
Pin squats 10x 1 with 80kg/ 176lb ( supersetted with bent over rows)
Sumo Deadlifts 5x 85kg/185lb , 5x 100kg/ 200lb and 5x110kg/242lb ( supersetted with seated low cable rows)
3x RDL
Squats felt bad today took me 3 of the first working sets to really feel good under the bar and get good bar speed . And the last 2 sets felt good and I’m happy with 6+ reps with some left in the tank
In a side note I have a work thing today ( crazy golf) so won’t be going MMA practice which means more recovery… Which I feel I need because my legs are fried!!!
Incline Bench (instead of Military Press) 5 waves accumulation week
4x5 + 1x10 with 40 kg/88lb (supersetted with Kettlebell Swings)
Paused Bench: 45kg/94lbs, 50kg/ 110lb and 57.5kg/127lb all for 5 reps
4x Bent over rows
5x Weighted pull ups
4x DB Bench Press
4x Seated Shoulder DB press
Quite happy with today’s session. Usually this is the hardest day MR wise (As you noticed I am RIDICULOUSLY weak at this lift) so getting 10 was nice.
On another note due to work stress, having to do work at home + being lazy (if i’m honest) i’m skipping MMA training this evening. Bad news= Probably on a massive surplus for the day. Good news= More recovery!
Lower body Plyo day
6x3 Jumping Hex deadlifts ( Increased the weight by 10kg/22lbs)
6x3 triple jumps over 1x small hurdle, 1x medium hurdle, 1x 26 inch Box
6x3 Box jumps
3x3 Bulgarian Split Squat jumps
3x3 each leg lateral jumps over mini hurdle
3x Ladder footwork drill
10 Kicks on the bag each leg. (As fast and hard as possible)
4x Max effort push on the prowler
3x walking kettlebell lunges