[quote]James 21 wrote:
KSMan, you are very… very mistaken.
You misunderstand the phrase “tightly bound.” Studies show that SHBG retains its binding with testosterone for less than one hour.
The idea that SHBG “stealz ur tee” is so utterly moronic that I can’t be bothered to argue. SHBG prolongs the action of testosterone in the body and protects testosterone from early excretion or metabolization.
If you were correct, that the binding of testosterone to SHBG was irreversible, then you are asserting that the male body eradicates 98% of the testosterone that it creates, leaving only 2% to perform its function. This assertion reaches a mystifyingly and headache-inducing level of stupid that I just… I don’t know what to say.
[For the sake of accuracy, only ~60% of T is strongly bound, while ~%2 remains free and the remainder is weakly bound, which (according to studies) preserves it for an average of 18 minutes.]
The reality is that SHBG’s primary role is to transport testosterone. You will see this assertion within the first paragraph that you read about SHBG within any modern book on male endocrinology. It mediates the free to bound ratio of multiple hormones, has its own signaling pathways through SHBG-R, is sometimes absolutely required to signal the androgen receptors in certain tissues (yes, SHBG-T completes a signaling pathway) and most importantly – SHBG is the primary buffer (just like a testosterone ester) that prolongs the action of testosterone in the body, temporarily protecting it from metabolization and excretion, which is necessary due to the pulsatile nature of testosterone release.
SHBG does not steal, remove, eat, destroy, metabolize, or block testosterone. It protects it. It releases T back to the free form over time and/or through diffusion within certain target tissues. End of discussion.
Greetings from the other other board you mentioned.
Hi James, Only now I see your reply, damn me.
Have you seen my other topics on Meso? My god, Dr. Jim is the ultimate mf!
My Free Cortisol is below range, transcortin skyhigh, shbg bottom low, yet he implies my condition is purely mental and does so in an unspeakably insulting manner. This guy needs to have his attitude re-assessed, eventhough he might be one of the board’s main posters.
As for relating to both our conditions, I have read through practically all your posts.
There is a significant difference between you and me.
You have clinically low SHBG from youth with low T, small build, … .
I don’t. I was doing fine, building muscle quite easily, until I started messing up my life by using steroids, working night shifts, overtraining at the gym, high stress levels, … . The combination of these factors is what got me where I am now.
Regarding the SHBG, have you ever looked at CBG (transcortin)? The other binding protein, which mainly binds cortisol? My ratio is so fucked up it implies I must be suffering from adrenal induced hypothyroidism at a cellular/liver level, combined with a nice touch of adrenal fatigue (low DHEA/Pregnenolone). I therefore think that T3 (and not Armour/T4) will downregulate my CBG and upregulate my SHBG, or at least it should, if administered correctly.
Also, I need to detoxify my liver, will do so using regular coffee enema’s, milk thistle and possibly some Calcium-D-Glucarate, although I am suspicious about the last one reducing SHBG even further due to estrogen depletion.
I hear you have been doing some T3 experiments yourself?
Any luck on those yet?
Regards from Belgium.