18, Female,5’, 112lbs, 14-15% bf.
Trying to get to 10-12bf to see how i look, then if i look to small, gain some mass during the winter. Diet’s always been my biggest issue - i can never seem to get it right.
I’ve tried carb cycling ect, so now i though i’d consider that again, but make it slightyly different…
Low Carb/Low Calorie Day:
25% carb 44% protein 31% fat (was aiming for 25 50 25 but wasnt practical)
approx 1600 cals.
- 10oz mixed veg, 1 whole egg, 2 whites, BCAA
- 2 sticks celery, 1oz almonds
- 3 cups lettuce, 2 tomatos, half pepper, one cup cucumber, chicken breast
- Pre w/o - apple, protein shake, BCAA
- Post - protein shake, 2 celery, BCAA
- might expeiment with having the apple after - not sure yet.
- chicken breast/other lean meat. plenty of greens.
BCAA before bed.
High carb/higher cal day:
50% carb 30% protein 20% fat
2200 cals
- BCAA, 1 scoop protein, 60g oats
- apple, 1oz almonds, 2 sticks celery
- 3 cups lettuce, 2 tomatos, half pepper, one cup cucumber, chicken breast, 2 wholewheat pita breads
- protein shake, 2 sticks of celery, 1 cup berries
- Chicken breast, 10oz mixed veg, half cup brown rice
BCAA before bed.
There isnt a set day for each, because on the days i have golf competitions, i’ll eat higher, on the other (regardless of training) i’ll eat lower.
What do you think?