How to Deal with Doctors in the UK?

Yeah near enough 28.

Just had my latest bloods done. Have had a private blood test with an online pharmacy/gp and came back with a testesterone level of 288ng/dl so now I am able to gain access to treatment as they agree this level is low for my age and due to my symptoms. I am required to have a PSA test on my blood to check my prostate. As long as that is ok I will be able to access testesterone gels. Itā€™s annoying that because I have done this privately I will be able to get treatment no problem when compared to my local doctor I wouldnā€™t get such access

After some messing around I have been in contact with balance my hormones and been through the various steps. Iā€™m glad to say I start TRT next week once my order is delivered. I have been prescribed sustanon 250mg. I not totally sure of the protocol yet as i will speak to them next week regarding this.

This was my latest bloods, these were all required for balance my hormones. Luckily enough my gp is understanding and has agreed to do my bloods as Iā€™m having to pay for treatment. What do youā€™s make of my bloods. They did mention my TSH being higher end of range and they will monitor this aswell. I also ment to say after having my LH level rechecked by medichecks I had a lower reading of 5.02 IU/L within range 1.7-8.60 IU/L

You Free T4 is very low and TSH is elevated, no Free T3 tested. SHBG has dropped dramatically from 35 to 24, clearly signs of a thyroid problem.

The NHS simply doesnā€™t have the funding to pay for TRT for life, this is why it was so easy to get treatment outside the NHS when youā€™re paying for it.

The ft3 was ment to be checked as this was marked to be done. I have done the oral readings and they seemed within your sticky range. With the trt would you expect me to feel better if I show low t symptoms They did mention thyroid numbers needing to be monitored. They do offer treatments for this aswell but I am mainly focusing on my low t symptoms just now

@stinger70 Brother Mate, the NHS in U.K as i am from U.K too, couldnā€™t give a RATS MONKIES!!! if us Young Men fall to the Low Normal Testosterone & have tons of Shitty Symptoms, like ZERO Sex drive, Brain Fog, Low E2 with Tons of Joint pains. The G.P will say Calm down you have ANXIETY go take some Meds go home. Seriously F*CK the N.HS itā€™s been Proven worst medical system in world man lol.

The VA or the NHS, both equally bad for complicated matters such as TRT. It is well known low testosterone can ā€œcauseā€ anxiety and depression, 8 out of ten see dramatic improvement in depression symptoms.

Everytime I go to my fatherā€™s retirement community, I see grumpy old men with depression and anxiety, itā€™s the land of low testosterone.

Itā€™s sad, they deserve better.

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Does that mean Systemlord itā€™s like World war 3?? with the grumpy old Men shouting and complaining around you? : ) right too they need treatment even in old age.

So thatā€™s me got my 6 week blood test in. This was done at trough before an injection was due. Would say mostly numbers are good apart from prolactin. Whatā€™s your thoughts regarding this? I feel quite good even though this is high. Have an appointment with the doctor on Thursday. I Have seen some reports of thyroid issues increasing prolactin, which can arise from balancing hormones. When I first consulted balance my hormones they did mention I could have a sub clinical hypothyroid issue due to the high/normal TSH and low/normal Ft4 readings. Appreciate the help guys

Any guys who can help me ? Unsure if I should have started a new thread on this cheers

Well, you have that appointment coming so better tell doctor about your worries. I quess he will do some tests.

Do you have any symptoms? ED, tender breasts / nipples or leakage? Some medications raise prolactin as does tumor on pituitary. And there is some study about thyroid conditions and prolactin, as you mentioned.

Your prolactin could just be caused by having sex or masturbating the night before your test. Iā€™m with BMH and my prolactin was high on my 6 week test, but another test a month or 2 later showed it was normal.