If you’re doing that, you don’t need a doctor. You need a psychiatrist
No, we don’t inject in the testicles. The testicles produce testosterone which winds up in the bloodstream. We inject testosterone which winds up in the bloodstream. Doesn’t matter how it gets there, as long as it gets there. Anyone crazy enough to inject in the testicles would be… well… crazy
@hardartery you’d laugh but well known clinics such as Defy will prescribe all sorts of stuff if you can demonstrate a need. If you prove you have back issues with x-rays etc they will prescribe low dose deca for joint pain relief. We do not condone adding any other compounds of that sort to TRT. 1) They are illegal and 2) We have no long term safety studies on them.
It really all depends on how he started. For most men, seeing a good doc, starting dose would be 200mg a week and go from there. It’s a matter of having someone qualified enough to assess whether they should increase or lower based on their symptoms and labs. It really all depends. Just moving to daily oftentimes resolves most issues.
OK thanks I appreciate the feed back.
I do agree that Anastrozole is hard on the body and has some weird side effects but I am just sacred not to try to control my E2 just a little bit. I have been on past protocols and have felt great but eventually I would feel like crap and the only thing that I could think of that changed was just my E2 so it kind of shows me when my E2 gets a little too high things start to become counter productive for me
I had crazy side effects like a lot of twitching I really don’t know hoe to explain it but my body just felt realy wried I feel a lot better on DIM but Im still trying to work on stuff but Im deffintly thing about trying calcium D gluconate.
When I was taking anastrozole I was taking 1/4 of a pill so I would break it down to 4 pieces with a pill cutter and I think I was taking that once a week
I have had that I think twice, maybe three times. I eat a bowl of cereal or something before my shot and no problem. I think the adrenals kick up when the test hits, but some carbs in my stomach keep it to a dull roar.
*** Disclaimer: the preceding post is entirely Bro Science.
I’m only saying this because I legitimately feel like you have a wealth of knowledge to share and I want to hear it. I think the way you respond to posts that you feel are incorrect can come off in a way that can make people disregard your opinion before reading it. I feel like you are man enough to not take offense to that and I’m open to the chance I’m completely wrong here. I just wanted to to say that so this doesn’t end up with you leaving and many people not getting your valuable input.
Back to the bizz-nas… I’m very interested in your take on the boron. I’ve been supplementing with boron for about a year now but at 3mg. What is the reasoning behind 20mg? Is this a loading dose or do you take 20mg daily forever. I ask because I’ve never seen more than 9mg recommended to anyone and if 20mg is where the party’s at then I want to be there.
You NEVER want to lower your E2. Never, ever, ever , never, ever. If you do, you are destroying your health. I don’t know how else to say this more clearly. Erase the bro science from your head because it is just going to take you that much longer to get dialed in.
@dextermorgan I get what you’re saying. HOWEVER: Come spend a day with me. I will transfer everything I know into your brain for 24 hours. Then you will get bombarded with bro science questions for 24 hours by people. We will see how long you can keep your frustration at bay
As for the boron, Dr Eric Serrano has become a very good friend of mine and he has told me on multiple occasions that 20mg boron daily will increase receptors in the body and increase free T. He did a talk on it (briefly) in one of his lectures but I’m unable to find it. If any of you haven’t heard of him, if he tells you to do something, you do it. He’s like the ‘rainman’ of the medical field. It will be some time until I do my labs again but I’ll see what happens. Right now I’ve been noticing a slight increase in acne. Every time my levels get higher I get a bit of acne and then it goes away. Could be a sign of my free t levels going up but I won’t know for sure until I get my labs done.
Just keep in mind that whenever you make a change it will take several weeks until you see what the end result is. That is why it is extremely important to make a change and then give it time before you make an assessment. Sometimes you will feel worse before you feel better. It’s not like flicking a light switch off or on and seeing an immediate result.