I’ve seen some weird translations of the hammer curl. But this one made me laugh.
A better method when going heavy : hammer curls 70's isabelleturell.com - YouTube
But generally this isn’t recommended for beginners either way. Learning proper form comes first!
[quote]kinein wrote:
A better method when going heavy : hammer curls 70's isabelleturell.com - YouTube
But generally this isn’t recommended for beginners either way. Learning proper form comes first!
I’d be inclined to call this second one bad form too, but maybe that coz I only use 55lbers for 8 reps!
The man-lady did good, since that’s more than likely only 1 of many types of curls he-she does. Partials with good form never hurt anybody.
The first guy on the other hand looked like he was doing a spastic shrug.
[quote]kinein wrote:
A better method when going heavy : hammer curls 70's isabelleturell.com - YouTube
But generally this isn’t recommended for beginners either way. Learning proper form comes first!
I’d hit it.