How Much Test and Tren?

i tried 200mg Test P EOD for 5 Weeks
got noticeably bloated, not as bad as dbol
lifted better but no change in physique when done

id like to get to 242lbs 10-12%

was thinking of using HALF this time
and the other half Tren A

100mg Test P
100mg Tren A
EOD for up to 8 weeks

if there a better ratio?

if i use more i think ill need more sites than just glute and delt


[quote]StoneOfFire wrote:

i tried 200mg Test P EOD for 5 Weeks
got noticeably bloated, not as bad as dbol
lifted better but no change in physique when done

id like to get to 242lbs 10-12%

was thinking of using HALF this time
and the other half Tren A

100mg Test P
100mg Tren A
EOD for up to 8 weeks

if there a better ratio?

if i use more i think ill need more sites than just glute and delt



It would easy to give you the wrong advices… Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Research the ventrogluteal site. If you got bloated on a Test cycle, you probably didn’t use an AI, and if you kept no gains then I wonder whether you did a proper PCT. Or perhaps your diet was poor. Either way I would question whether you are ready to start another cycle before you’ve worked out what went wrong the first time.

“i tried 200mg Test P EOD for 5 Weeks got noticeably bloated, not as bad as dbol. lifted better but no change in physique when done”

No change in physique? You really should evaluate your training/diet so that doesn’t happen again!

“id like to get to 242lbs 10-12%”

You’re a pretty big boy! or pretty big dreams? Where are you now?

“was thinking of using HALF this time and the other half Tren A. 100mg Test P 100mg Tren A
EOD for up to 8 weeks”

I’d suggest a simple long-ester test cycle of:
weeks 01-10: Test E - 1cc twice a week
weeks 01-12: Arimidex at .25mg ED
weeks 13-18: Nolvadex at 20mg/day
If you stick with the Test/Tren then do it everyday and not every other day. Let us know what you think up and decide on.

I agree with The Beat2, Tren ED for sure.
Let us know your stats, if you are under 200lbs them gains ain’t gonna happen my friend!

Beat2, How did you get my 6th grade picture for your avatar??? :slight_smile: