For fat soluble vitamins how long would it take to flush out? Can you speed up the process?
Immediately? Vitamin D takes at least several weeks to have a noticeable effect…last time I checked.
I take 4000IU daily.
I don’t know about the health effects, but I notice a difference in mood the following morning almost every time. I usually take 5 grams of 500 DHA fish oil on the same nights so that may make a difference.
[quote]kanew wrote:
[quote]Power GnP wrote:
[quote]kanew wrote:
I’ve been taking one 2500iu capsule a day for the past couple of weeks. I’ve immediately seen results. e.g. not developing the same cough / cold as my housemate & girlfriend who managed to pass it on to a few other people.
My question is; to those who take more - is there a distinct advantage to consuming more?
Is it generally just a good idea to increase my intake?
Immediately? Vitamin D takes at least several weeks to have a noticeable effect…last time I checked.
I take 4000IU daily.
Excuse my ignorance: that was purely anecdotal - highly contagious virus spreading around; I’m in an environment where there’s more than a few opportunities to get infected; and people with less exposure than me are dropping like flies. I just automatically attributed that to the vitamin D.
So you’re saying that because I’ve only been taking it a fortnight it couldn’t possibly be related?
What does it do for the first few weeks out of interest? The people that consume large amounts in one go -like the guy that Vegita mentioned - do they not have any effects until 3-4 weeks later?[/quote]
No ignorance to excuse…it’s not a commonly known nor advertised fact.
From what I understand, the most commonly used measure of serum Vitamin D status is 25-hydroxy-vitamin D or 25(OH)D, which has a half-life of about 15 days.
One study I read mentioned that individuals with a 25(OH)D status of ~24 nmol/L increased their levels to 60 or 70 nmol/L in about 3 months. This varies depending on your baseline levels though.
However the 25(OH)D status doesn’t reflect levels in other tissues and there is some argument as to whether or not the levels would increase faster if you take an oil based form like the concentrated liquid forms most places stock now. I’ve read of people increasing levels much quicker (6-12 weeks). But generally I’d say any affects you feel after 1-2 weeks is likely either placebo or something else entirely.
I don’t know about the health effects, but I notice a difference in mood the following morning almost every time. I usually take 5 grams of 500 DHA fish oil on the same nights so that may make a difference.[/quote]
Fish oil has been shown to have some positive effects on mood, that’s likely what you’re noticing.