My E2 was in the low 60’s last blood test I had from December. I’ve never felt better.
Ok sorry newby here. It was in pg/mg. I’ve been in trt cream for 6 weeks because my testosterone was 451. Dr. Thought it might be low-normal. I get and erection but can’t keep it for long. Cialis and Viagra hardly help. 10 years ago I tried a small about of Viagra for fun and could go all night now 100mg doesn’t help.
I am not sure high E2 messes with my libido directly, just that I feel like such garbage with high levels I sex is not on the top of my priority list at that point.
It might be a good idea to get free t to at least mid range before you think it’s e2.
It’s over 30.
If it’s over 30 and your d is a noodle with cialis. You may need to inject less. That’s the best way to bring down e2. Not sure what you already tried so forgive me.
I tried different frequency and dosing. A while back on my 100mg E5D my free T was 21.5 trough.
Are you saying that too much free T can be a problem in itself?
In my opinion, I don’t think it’s wise to be way over the range in free t.
How did you feel on 100 e5 days?
I come from the angle that you need the least amount of t to resolve symptoms if what you need is trt. A good start is 100 a week which may be all you need. You need to give it 8 weeks to see how you feel.
When I went on trt I was not patient and kept changing doses
I think sometimes other diseases are not investigated first, guys start trt and they never seem to dial in.
Ideally you would want to lower dose to a point you don’t need an AI. I personally keep up with blood work and want to maintain a bit of a higher dose with micro dosing an AI. Nothing too crazy but I am open to a micro AI if it allows me a dose of 140-160 and my blood work checks out to be just fine.
It came to a point I was feeling better some days more than others, usually around trough. My problem though like I said wasn’t limp D or decreased libido in itself. Just that anytime my E2 raises up I get short of breath, headache and brain fog, heavy palpitations.
Or maybe it was the higher free t?
The higher t may bring out other issues you may not know you had. Like cardiac problems. Am sure you got a cardio work up with a cardiologist
My thinking it’s E2 is due to that anytime I took the AI I felt better within days. I can try to up my dose a by a bit in the next few weeks and maintain the AI to see for sure.