It isn’t directly stated in the article, but abscesses can also be formed from injecting too much volume in any one spot. This will cause local tissue damage and inflammation, and along with the injected foreign compound can create an abscess.
I’m not quite sure I understood what you posted. Did you get an abscess in/around your mouth from the dentist? I’m pretty sure you could have pictures before the procedure to show there was no preexisting abscess. It if was in the gum I’m pretty sure there would be no way to develop an abscess without some form of injection. Besides, if it was a problem and she took it out, yet she did dental work in the same area just two weeks prior and didn’t take it out (assuming she’ll use the preexisting defense), there seems to be a problem with the reasoning. I’m pretty sure it was her fault from what you’ve said.
Or she may be right,
which may be why the follow up was scheduled.
If the tooth needed filled, it must have been open in the first place, which can lead to exactly what you experienced.
As a dental student in the east end of London, I’ve seen this type of thing quite a bit, so here’s my take:
From your description it sounds like you had a periapical abscess (an abscess around the root of the tooth). This is pretty much impossible to cause with an injection.
So here’s the possible scenarios in my mind;
a) You had an infection in the root of the tooth already (which will have spread from your decay in the top part of your tooth). This then developed into an abscess.
You could argue that your dentist failed to spot this infection during your appointment (negligence), but this type of thing cannot always be detected, even with modern equipment.
b) You merely had decay in the top part of your tooth. During your filling, your dentist may have entered the pulp chamber (the “core” of the tooth, where all of the nerves and blood vessels are) unnecessarily and caused the infection herself. This would be something you could take her to court with.
Fortunately (for you anyway) the burden of proof is always on the dentist. This means that if she has kept detailed notes of your appointments, in scenario “a” she won’t have to pay out. If however she has shitty notes then she will most likely pay to shut you up.
Hope this helped, any more questions just PM me
It’s good to have knowledgeable people around here! It always surprises me that you can post just about any questions and you’ll always get at least one person who actually knows what they’re talking about. I love the internet.
hmmm maybe i should have gotten pics of the abcess before it was removed. although i still have a bump in my mouth where the abscess use to be i dont think that would be proff enough.
dave you say your a dental student, would you happen to know how long it takes for the abscess to actually form? ive read the wiki and some articils but it doesnt mention how long it would take. if it forms withn 24 hours then it was definatly caused by the dentist no doubt hands down, for i am addicted to flawsing and brush my teeth daily. the wiki also mentions the absess can be formed from a cracked tooth, etc, but the tooth that the abscess was formed was no the tooth i had the filling on, but was definatly the area that was injected into.
i have a dentist return after tommorow to get my root cannel filling what would you guys do?
Im willing to bet that the abscess did not form from the freezing that you received.