[quote]Petedacook wrote:
<<< I guess you are missing the posts on this forum. Even your post insinuates a bias toward the right wing. >>>[/quote]
I’m gonna try this again jist fer you, even though I just got done training chest tri’s and shoulders because that’s the kinda guy I am.
I’ll make it as crystal clear as I know how which should be pretty good because I have fairly substantial command of the English language.
By 2009 standards I am a hard line right winger.
I AM biased.
I AM NOT sympathetic to views in mortal conflict with my own which makes me also intolerant by 2009 standards.
I have held this major framework, though not necessarily every single individual issue, long enough to have heard every conceivable attempt at changing my mind. In fact it’s been years since I can remember hearing anything new and I am thus additionally close minded by 2009 standards.
This was once called conviction.
I’ve said all this 100 times already. No need to accuse me of being a narrow close minded unbending conservative. I am declaring to you outright that I am.
I agree with those who agree with me and disagree with those who don’t regardless of who the hell they are.
When an issue comes up, I determine my position by how it fits into my world view not by who is saying it.
Having said that, I will consider a politician’s past to help me interpret what they are saying. When John McCain says “bi-partisan” I immediately lean toward the interpretation that he is about to pursue a politically suicidal liberal democrat position. Why? Because that’s what it’s meant when he’s said that in the past.
When Barack Obama says anything at all I have to decide whether to ascribe some incredible newfound meaning to it or to let his past provide the context. He has a decidedly undeniable marxist past.
They have a vocabulary. He uses it. He uses it because his soul is pickled in it. I would respect him and his followers on principle if they would just declare their world view as plainly as I declare mine. I cannot stand all this “I love America too” shit. It’s a lie. He does not.
I will again give you some credit for recognizing yourself as being on the “extreme left” in the other thread. I mean that. However that ideology is not what made this nation the greatest, most powerful and most prosperous in less than 200 years. It just isn’t. Quite the contrary. We spent a good slice of the 20th century fighting a grueling cold war for the exact purpose of defeating it.