[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
100meters wrote:
hedo wrote:
vroom wrote:
hedo wrote:
I think you’ll hear more about this case. Influence was used to rezone the land. This story will grow.
This is an interesting point. If Harry was involved in using influence to secure the profits, as opposed to “someone” used influence, then I’d personally hop all over it.
As for misfiling, as a personal asset instead of a corporate asset, I don’t think that is as big an issue. He still declared the asset and the profits from the asset – there doesn’t seem to be much to gain from this portion.
However, I’m open to learn more about some impropriety in the misdeclaration, making it a big deal. I’m also open to learn that others knew he was doing something wrong but worked to cover it up in some way.
Any evidence? Anybody pointing fingers? So far all I’ve seen is an attempt to have the microscopes pointing in a new direction. If there is more here, I hope to hell it comes out and he gets what he deserves.
It’s a sweetheart deal. When the property is transferred to an LLC the assignee loses all liability but in this case shares in all profits.
I don’t believe for a minute that you could get the land rezoned that quickly and I don’t think I could either, without throwing a lot of money at the problem. Something Ried wasn’t required to do from the information that is publicly available. If a ranking member of the Senate can get a deal done faster then you or I then you have corruption and the use of influence. I honestly don’t have a problem with it on the surface but to deny it happens seems a bit naive to me.
If he put his land in the LLC in exchange for interests in the LLC (he did) then if the value of the land goes down the value of the interests go down, so not a sweetheart deal, and OF COURSE people put stuff in LLC’s all the time to protect themselves against lawsuits etc…
The main point here is Reid didn’t use his influence to increase the value of the property. It’s hilarious that it seems suspect to you that somebody could buy real estate outside of a rapidly growing city(Las Vegas’ booming outskirts) and have that land eventually rezoned (total timeline: bought land in 98, LLC 2001, sold 2004). How in the world is that hard to believe?
There is absolutely no issue here, no tax issue (so long as the llc partnership owned the same percentages as the original partnership–which they did 75/25), no legal issue (obviously), and other than forgetting a form, no ethics issue (fully disclosing his ownership of the plots).
And this horrible non-event has HH calling Reid a “maggot”
Meanwhile no comment on Hastert’s LLC.
He had it rezoned after it was denied the first time.
His partner has ties to organized crime.
He hid it from the Senate.
It is worthy of investigation and not sweeping it under the rug.[/quote]
Of course the only people cabable of sweeping it under the rug would be republicans…They do control the senate you know? Odd there’s no investigation. I wonder if it’s because there’s clearly no issue here?