Anyone know where to get a listing of the games…locations, dates, etc? I’m sick of searching and finding sites that haven’t been updated in 3 years.
Anyone know where to get a listing of the games…locations, dates, etc? I’m sick of searching and finding sites that haven’t been updated in 3 years.
Gravitas. will usually have an updated list, but their database is down at the moment.
What area are you in? There are different organizations covering differen parts of the states.
I just noticed it says your from jersey. Best bet then would be nasga, you may have to wait until they are back online.
[quote]wressler125 wrote:
I just noticed it says your from jersey. Best bet then would be nasga, you may have to wait until they are back online.[/quote]
They’re online now.
Go to the database and look for upcoming Games in your area and see who the AD (athletic director) is. Shoot him/her an email and ask for what’s in your area if nothing is close.
Dan John might know. He lives in Utah. But he’s smart.
NASGA is your best bet for info.Post on the message board for any questions you have regarding Games or training.Highland Heavies are some of the nicest guys to get along with or compete against.