High T, High SHBG, Low Free Test. Anavar the Answer?

I’m not a fan of SQ at all, some guys rave about it.

Not a fan of SubQ either. Burns and I never felt anything from it. Switched to IM and I could actually tell I was taking something then.

@dextermorgan @systemlord @ncsugrad2002 one more question- should I be weary of gyno issues as I come off anastrozole? After missing 2 doses I feel like my nipples are already more puffy/sensitive…

Throughout HS and early college I definitely had a bigger chest/nipples. Not sure if I ever had full blown gyno, but I definitely had some man boobs. I was also a big kid and pretty lean every where else (6’2” 235lbs). Honestly if I get back to the bigger chest/nipples I’m not worried about it, if I can get back to how I felt then. Just want to make sure I shouldn’t have immediate concerns about developing actual gyno.

My E was extremely low on initial testing, so wondering if my issues were more estrogen related to begin with, considering I lived most of my HS/college years with levels that were probably fairly high…

(Meaning I wonder if the increase in SHBG eating up my E was affecting me more than it eating up my T. If that makes sense)

I’ll also add that the difference i feel after just two missed anastrozole doses is incredible. So much more energy and confidence today

No you shouldn’t. You can get some Tamoxifen to keep on hand so that you have peace of mind that it’s there. I had the the same thinking when I started TRT and also when coming off the AI. I had gyno when I was around 17 I believe. I was very lean at the time so it was a head fuck to deal with. I eventually had surgery when I was 23-25 years old (can’t remember). Anyways, years after the surgery I started to get it again (albeit minor) but it was scary. When I started TRT getting tits was my biggest fear so it took me going through absolute hell to even consider not taking an AI but alas I stopped and no further gyno. Having Tamoxifen on hand helps with the metal worrying. It allows you to relax knowing you have a fix if you need it.

Here’s me with gyno in my teens

Normally I hear guys getting gyno when T is low and estrogen is high when levels are in flux after initiating TRT, to be clear for the benefit of others, I have never heard of anyone getting gyno on TRT that didn’t experience it when younger.

That’s pretty mild in the scope of things

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