High T, High SHBG, Low Free Test. Anavar the Answer?

It will lower test, but you will have a greater volume of androgens in your system. Which means that although the actual test number will drop, you will be more androgenic (give or take, it depends). Anavar is really not play time. It will lower your E2, which is already low. You should consider something a little lighter duty if you want to experiment, and running anavar by itself without some sort of test is usually a recipe for disaster. Proviron might be a better choice.

This was exactly how I felt on a daily protocol, more androgenic is the word I would choose to describe it. An EOD protocol was far less androgenic.

Think my E2 being low could be causing libido issues? Wasn’t having many a few months ago when I first found out about this issue, but the last month it’s all of the sudden hit me.

Absolutely, low E2 is cause for sexual dysfunction that not even ED pills can fix.

Yes. I think that’s one of the few things that everyone on here agrees with, low E is bad and kills libido among other issues.

Is that something I’ll be able to have more dialed in on TRT? I’ll have to double check the exact dose of each when he sends over, but I think my doc wants to do 1cc/week, .5mg anastrozole, and then hcg.

Had some ED issues for the first time this morning…not fun. Think it’s time to start.

I know this is very case dependent- but how difficult is it to come off TRT if I had to do so? The financial commitment of it is a massive factor for me as I know this is long term. Any recommendations on most cost efficient route? Right now it’s looking like around $400 for all the aboveboard medications for 10 weeks.

One more thought I had was getting my doc to write me some hcg and/or clomid to see if I can at least get back to the level I was at 4 months ago?

I was at 927 total and 13.9 free, and felt decent.

765 total and 10.9 free just isn’t cutting it.

Well, what’s you SHBG? Why is your free T that low? That’s a great Total T, actually. I would look into why the free T is low before I took anything at all.
That being said, if you start TRT, start with test ONLY. Don’t take anything else with it initially, especially with naturally low E2. You do not want to crush your E2 levels if you already don’t have enough. HCG can come later, change only one thing at a time so you know what effect that one thing has. If you take three new things at once, it’s hard to know what caused what.

I got back to my original levels after stopping TRT in only 4.5 weeks without clomid or HCG, just stopped cold turkey. I was on TRT for 2.5 years and plan on going back on TRT in a couple of weeks because decent sucks.

Short of receiving a new liver, your natural days are at an end because SHBG will increase with age.

SHBG was 95.2 on my last lab. This doc didn’t test for it as he said we already know that’s what’s eating up my test…just wants to track the free and decide when to start TRT. Like most of you here he’s told me it’s inevitable.

@systemlord decent does suck. Couldn’t have said it any better. Does that cost sound about right for TRT? And would you reccomend just starting with test as well?

You’re putting a monetary value on going from a state of decent to feeling like a young 21 year old man with high testosterone. You could do better on pricing if you went with Defy Medical, you can always change providers later and get started on TRT now.

Your SHBG is in the stratosphere and it’s about ready to punch a hole in it, there’s nothing you can do about it naturally.

You can’t run anavar without test unless you want trouble. Run test, and if you want to blast on the side use proviron (or Anavar, although legally I can’t advocate that) or whatever to up your androgen level and your SHBG will come down. Any androgen is going to be at least suppressive, and almost certainly cause shutdown, which means you will not be producing test, so you have to be taking exogynous.

I asked my doctor to write up his plan, will post as soon as I hear back and would appreciate any feedback from you guys. Thanks for all your help.

In the meantime I’ll be upping my Boron dose to 21mg/day and hoping some miracle happens. However, think I’ll be pulling the trigger and starting TRT as soon as I’m able to get it in my hands. Hairloss and lifetime commitment are still my biggest fears, but the pros of feeling better are finally outweighing those fears.

If your going to lose your hair on TRT you were going to lose it anyways. TRT doesn’t cause hair loss, it may just speed it up if it was already in your cards.

Although I do believe if you supress your hormones to excess (ie E2) it can cause hair loss just like extreme diets and such can also.

Go with the T. Var wrecks your cholesterol.

Do you think var would wreck cholesterol even at a low dose (3.5mg) along with TRT?

I cannot recommend Var to anyone because I have to do TRT by the book :slight_smile: and technically there is no legitimate purpose for Var in TRT.

With that being said, for hypothetical purposes, oral steroids usually affect cholesterol levels this is why they were generally recommended for short periods of time. Also Var is really weak, if the dosage is not sufficient the literature does not show clinically significant results.

Hope this helps.

The only legitimate clinical reason for var nowadays is muscle wasting, or HIV.

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Heard back from another doc this morning who wants to try a “natural” regimen instead of TRT. Mentioned Stinging Nettle and a host of vitamins/minerals as the base…waste of time?

Probably. The doc I am working with said he’s seen it negatively affect libido even if the numbers look better. I’m not sure why.

This is the “natural” route the doc today recommended. Can say for sure I wouldn’t use the NOX and multi.