High T, FSH, SHBG, Low E2 No Libido. My Lab Results (pellets)

I now have the tests, separated by 8 hours and proved my theory WRONG. I theorized that my HCT was high in the morning because I had not consumed water in 10 hours which fit the theory that others had – that I was dehydrated.

Now with an afternoon test where I was fully hydrated, I know that isn’t the case. Although it eliminates one diagnosis, it creates more concern.

I charted my hematocrit back to Oct 2013 (which is the oldest results I previously scanned). Prior to TRT, my HCT averaged 44.3%, with highs of 47.8 and 49.3. My post TRT average is 51.9%.

My Hemoglobin has also shown a slow rise as well.

I found an interesting study …

Optimum values in an adult male are: Hemoglobin 14–18 gm/dL and hematocrit 40.0% to 54.0% Source and Source