High SHBG, Low Vitamin D & Iodine. Any Ideas?

IMO, SHBG is your devil.

Your Testosterone translates to 836ng/dL which isn’t bad. Even online, you will read that many doctor’s consider “optimized” testosterone to be 600-800 (when all hormones are firing correctly).

I have tried everything to reduce SHBG, because I also produced enough Testosterone. The only natural thing that worked (and proven by labs) was BORON (supplement). None of the hundreds of other suggestions worked (FOR ME).

But boron didn’t get it down enough, as I have insanely high SHBG. Prescription drug DANAZOL is what did it for me, reducing my SHBG by more than 50%. (Proviron has worked for others, but did not work for me).

When I run out of my current boron, I will switch to Bio Immersions Fructoborate 6mg. Most of us are deficient in boron anyway, so adding it wouldn’t be a negative.

MOST people are going to tell you that you need TRT to drive down the SHBG.

However, in my case …

SHBG has always been the problem , not T. I wish the doctors would have suggested I take something to lower the SHBG FIRST . From my thread.

I’m not making any suggestions - only providing ideas for your reading. I am also a pellet user, which places me in the category of red-headed bastard child.