The most shocking thing about these is the flavor. I would’ve expected them to be chock-full of sugar and trans fat, but that’s not the case. They contain 20 grams of protein and 5 grams of carbs. They’re filling as heck. So if you’re like a lot of lifters, who use Quest bars in a pinch (traveling, busy schedule, etc.), give these a shot next time instead.
They come in cinnamon, chocolate, and berry (my fave).
These were pretty darn tasty. We ate our samples straight from the package, but the company suggests microwaving them for a few seconds for a gooey treat. (Ate them all before we read that!)
9 grams of fiber too. Sadly I can’t have any “ols” or sucralose whilst I fight to get rid of possible SIBO symptoms but this definitely sounds like an epic treat. And healthier than a lot of the typical protein bars you see.