Help me understand?

I began “Mechanical Advantage” this week. The chest and back routine went well. Reps were perfect.

Now, for the Quad day, Im a little confused. Back and front squat, weight wise it’s a huge difference for me. Take a look at my numbers and please explain to me if it’s similar or atleast on the right track of how it’s supposed to look like:

Front Squat+Back Squat+Half Squat
Weight used: 135lbs.
Reps - 6/12/12, 6/12/12, 6/12/12

Jump Squat + Back Squat
Weight used - 95lbs.
Reps - 6/12, 6/12

Siff lunge + Regular Lunge
Weight used - 95lbs.
Reps - 8/10, 8/2

Leg Extension 1 leg + 2 leg ext.
Weight used - 50lbs., 100lbs.
Reps - 10/8, 10/8

Ok, were the reps too high? was the weight used too light? On the front squats, I honestly don’t think I can do 3x6 completely with heavier weight. The third set was a barely finished set as far as front squats go.

Also, can I substitute anything for incline cable fly? Im not carrying a freakin bench to the cables to take them both up! It pisses me off when I need them and some chump is flying with them. Fuck that, Im not gonna be that chump!


Also, forgot to mention:
(in between the first and second group of exercises, I performed:)

Overhead Squat + Front Squat
Weight used - 95lbs.
Reps - 6/12, 6/12

I found the front squat to be very different from the traditional squat movement. I felt like I was constantly going to loose my balence.

That said it is a good movement to concentrate on the quad.

I could only do 60% of the traditional squat weight, if I wanted to finish the workout.