Help! Breathing Problems

Some of you do know me and some of you dont…point being that some of you can give a valid response!

anay way! that being said: for some reason in the last two weeks of the very mild and kind cycle im on (Test e 750mg per wk and Proviron 50mg ed - nothing too exciting) I seem to be getting problems with breathing and feeling like I have a tight chest, this is amplified with use of things like Spike and such.

So my Q. is: Has anyone had a similar experience with these compounds or variants? and if so: what did you do to reduce it?

I’m probably not going to be able to help other than to say stop taking the Spike…but what are you doing when you have these problems? And is it regular or comes and goes? What time of day?

Just thought this might help out someone with an idea…

[quote]wings_931 wrote:

So my Q. is: Has anyone had a similar experience with these compounds or variants? and if so: what did you do to reduce it?[/quote]

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, stop taking the compounds, perhaps? Just a crazy little idea.

Can it be anxiety? That is want it feels like to be borderline panic attack.

Either that or exposure to substance that makes you wease when you breath. An asthma inhaler might help.

Just some thoughts that came in my head.

Quick answer is your blood pressure my friend. Are you keeping tabs on it?

Especially since you notice it amplified when taking Spike.

Do you notice this much on the left side of your chest or just the entire chest? I have to watch my intake of things due to a history of high blood pressure. And when it raises up, I get shortness of breath as well.

Thats why I dont take the energy drinks or any type of speed things when doing a cycle.

Why don’t you just try cutting out the Spike and see if that helps?

Ya I would start by taking out the Spike and see what happens.


This does help and certainly would explain alot.

I was kinda hoping that you would still be around and could shed some light on the matter, thanks again.

I think i’m going to up my cardio a bit (I hate it and rarely get it done!) plus now being 16st9 on my 5’10 frame I get completely what you mean about the extra weight. Also funny you should mention the blood cell side of things because i’m getting all the usuals that come with that too.

I’m completely with you in as far as while im in a calorie overload state at the mo; it will add more factors in, I think I just needed someone else to confirm my thoughts!

Thanks again.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
'Ello buddy, it’s been a while…

Anyway, I get this. It’s like I walk up the hill to uni and my HR hasn’t gone up much and I’m certainly not out of breath, but I slightly struggle to breathe.

I’m not 100% what causes it, though Spike, HOT-ROX, modafinil can all bring it on. Not that I take all together, but you see what I mean.

For me, it is an accepted part of being on cycle and eating a lot of calories. I think it has a number of physiological factors that contribute, such as:

Plenty of food in the GIT, plus plenty of blood in the intestines and liver as a result of anabolics. This fills up the abdomenal space and leaves less room for the diaphragm excursion during breathing.

Increased red blood cell count, increases blood viscosity.

Possibly increased blood volume and mild hypertension.

Increased weight on your frame to lug around.

I fiond that once I switch into more of a cutting regimen, or even just restrict carbs a bit, it goes somewhat.

Hope this helps,