Just ordered a mini blood test. Gonna try to go tomorrow before my injection if I can. After reading more online, I’ve even seen stuff where guys bloated on low E2 so who the hell knows. Would rather put a number on it and know where I’m at and which way I need to head.
I myself still cannot tell if estrogen is high or low.
Yea I’m gonna get a test and see what comes up.
I took a 1/4 tablet of aromasin the other night and honestly nothing even changed.
The saga continues… I go thru the same shit. Gets so old. Estrogen roller coaster…
I had that problem when I started 3 months ago. I put on 10 pounds immediately. It freaked me out. I decided I had to change something right away. I went on a diet similar to Keto. Very low carb, low sugar, high fats. Not full Keto as I still hit above the 50g carbs per day pretty often, but compared to the amount of carbs I was eating before, it wasn’t even in the same ballpark. I cut calories down big time. Under 2000 a day, usually around the 1800 mark. Friday night and Saturday night, I cheat though. A couple scoops of ice cream, maybe a burger, cauliflower pizza, something like that. It’s made the diet easy as fuck. I also started cycling with intermittent fasting as well. So I stop eating at 8:30pm. Not eating right before bed helped a lot I think. I also don’t start eating until 12:30 in the afternoon. 8 hours on, 16 hours off. I started taking several supplements. Vitamin D, Boron, Tumeric, DHEA, Fish Oil, magnesium & several others. I went from putting on a pound every other day, to actually losing weight. The flat tire around my waste is almost completely gone. I’ve added muscle & my weight has still gone down.
I’m telling you, stay away from AI and HCG at all costs. You will never get balanced if you take that shit. The game changer for me was moving to daily subq injections. Most of my symptoms of low t have started to resolve themselves since doing that. I haven’t checked my E2 in awhile, but I’m not worried about where the level is. My lifestyle change and protocol change I imagine helped lower my E2. I imagine it’s probably still in the high range though. If you give yourself time, stop the HCG and AI, your body will level out & get used to the excess E2. Get that free T level up until symptoms resolve. I imagine my T levels are through the roof right now. I will test them this coming week. All I’m saying is putting yourself through that E2 roller coaster is unnecessary.
Initially I got worse ED when I first started TRT. Now since switching everything up, my dick gets as hard as a god damn steel bat. It’s as if I took a heavy dose of Viagra whenever me and my chick get going. It’s literally fucked up… haha in a good way though. I don’t even think I had erections like this a teenager. It makes sex soooo much better when you’re not pushing rope.
Thanks man, hearing this helps a lot!
I’m not super worried about the weight aspect - I’ve been trying to gain for a while, and was honestly sick of eating nearly 5k calories a day just to keep myself in the normal weight range for my height. I’ve also noticed if I have a day where I barely get to eat anything (working, out all day, sick, etc), I don’t lose 2-3 pounds like I used to. That was so frustrating.
I’ve heard in a few places that your body will even out on the E2 some. I’d be curious if anyone has more to say about this, and if they’ve actually seen it in numbers.
I currently do everything I can aside from an AI to keep my E2 under control. Everday injections, huge kale/broccoli smoothie every morning, and CDG and DIM. I have decided to drop the CDG and DIM for a bit to make sure I’m not fighting issues caused by those too. My bodyfat is low (11-12%), my SHBG isn’t low (40-50), so I figure I have a lot in my favor with E2 control.
Got a test on Friday, we’ll see how it comes back later in the week. I find it weird I’ve actually been feeling progressively worse every day this week since lowering my dose, and it almost makes me wonder if this could all be low E2. Sick of guessing based on symptoms though.
I disagree with this theory. T mono will really fuck up a guy with mid to low SHGB. Do to high lvls of Free E2. High SHGB bind all that extra Free E2 up. Mid to low do not.
There is no rollocoaster if your T injections are the same, you’ve reached steady state(40 days for T cyp), and your T lvl stablizes.
Then you have to determine the amount of AI to keep the E2 and prolactin in check.
Keeping in mind that AI reach steady state in days which is where you have double the amount of AI in your blood than you are taking. Not knowing this is why so many guys crash their E2 with AI. The average guy on 120-150mg/wk needs no more than .25mg/wk (SS blood value .50mg)
The alternative is to drop your weekly T dose so low you do not need an AI but there is a very good chance your Free T will not be at the top of the range.