I have: Gynecomastia, Very Low T a Hydroclele and Varicocele.
Well about 2 weeks ago I discovered I have very low T. It was a 219 total T with the scale being 241-827 (sorry, I didn’t get tested for free T or E2… I’m just learning about these things now).
I’m 43 years old and while I can expect “low” T I’m shocked at just how low it was.
In 2008 I was diagnosed with a hydrocele and I believe I also have a varicocele on the other teste. I never followed up on these issues and now I wonder if they (or one of them) could be causing my low T. I’m waiting to see my PCP in order to get referred to an Endocrinologist.
I had also developed Gynecomastia approximately 8-10 years ago (it’s been a long time) which I still suffer with. In addition to that I also have been taking Finasteride for about the past 6 years (if that matters). But the Gyno definitely came before the Finasteride. I should add that I’m 5’10" and weigh too much at 225 or 230lbs. I still have the Gyno when I weigh much less though.
My vitamin D was very low as well (an 11.9 on a 30-100 scale). I got a Vit. D RX and supplements as well as a great multi and some other supplements in hopes of naturally boosting my T.
Can anyone guess as to what is going on with me? WHY do I have the Gyno? Why is my T so low? Can it be the testicle issues?
Is there any chance that I can have varico/hydrocele surgery and it will increase my T levels? Can I possibly take something other than TRT in order to fix my T levels?
I’d love to avoid the whole TRT thing: I feel overwhelmed at the amount of info I need to learn (regarding taking HCG, arimidex and getting a DR to allow T shots as I don’t want to mess with the gel for various reasons). I’ve been reading as much as I can but am still very overwhelmed.
Any insight into what may be my problem or what I should/could do would be greatly appreciated. :O)
Thanks a lot for any help/info.
[quote]Brama wrote:
Is there any chance that I can have varico/hydrocele surgery and it will increase my T levels? Can I possibly take something other than TRT in order to fix my T levels?
Sometimes, we need more labs, if LH/FSH are low, surgery probably will not increase T unless you can also identify some other correctable cause of the secondary hypogonadism.
Read the advice for new guys sticky. Note thyroid and iodine issues and check your body temperatures. Come back with more data about you and your meds.
You can get [USA] 5,000iu vit-D3 tiny oil based capsules at Walmart, very inexpensive.
Can be a very strong endocrine disruptor for some men, permanent. DHT is mission critical for libido, virilization, development and maintenance of the sex organs. We have seen young guys have their hormones ruined from these 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. A high price to pay to slow down hair loss.
Sexual side effects
There are case reports of persistent diminished libido or erectile dysfunction, even after stopping the drug.[18] In December 2008, the Swedish Medical Products agency concluded a safety investigation of finasteride and advised that finasteride may cause irreversible sexual dysfunction.
[quote]Brama wrote:
Is there any chance that I can have varico/hydrocele surgery and it will increase my T levels? Can I possibly take something other than TRT in order to fix my T levels?
Sometimes, we need more labs, if LH/FSH are low, surgery probably will not increase T unless you can also identify some other correctable cause of the secondary hypogonadism.
Read the advice for new guys sticky. Note thyroid and iodine issues and check your body temperatures. Come back with more data about you and your meds.
You can get [USA] 5,000iu vit-D3 tiny oil based capsules at Walmart, very inexpensive.
Can be a very strong endocrine disruptor for some men, permanent. DHT is mission critical for libido, virilization, development and maintenance of the sex organs. We have seen young guys have their hormones ruined from these 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. A high price to pay to slow down hair loss.
Sexual side effects
There are case reports of persistent diminished libido or erectile dysfunction, even after stopping the drug.[18] In December 2008, the Swedish Medical Products agency concluded a safety investigation of finasteride and advised that finasteride may cause irreversible sexual dysfunction.
Thanks a lot KSman for the quick and helpful reply.
The only other numbers I got were T4 which was a 12.11 in a range of 6.09-12.23 and also T3 which was 1.54 out of 0.87-1.78.
I’ll bring that list to have checked to my PCP and the Endocrinologist when I see him/her.
I had read several places about varicoceles (including one guy here in the Estradial sticky) claiming that they were a cause of low T but now I don’t know.
From what I can gather my Gynecomastia is caused by too high of E2 and which may or may not be lowering my T.
I’ll also read that sticky you recommended. I’ve read about the dangers of Finasteride too and I don’t have any of the side effects but I’m hoping that it’s not causing any of my issues.
[quote]Brama wrote:
Is there any chance that I can have varico/hydrocele surgery and it will increase my T levels? Can I possibly take something other than TRT in order to fix my T levels?
Sometimes, we need more labs, if LH/FSH are low, surgery probably will not increase T unless you can also identify some other correctable cause of the secondary hypogonadism.
Read the advice for new guys sticky. Note thyroid and iodine issues and check your body temperatures. Come back with more data about you and your meds.
You can get [USA] 5,000iu vit-D3 tiny oil based capsules at Walmart, very inexpensive.
Can be a very strong endocrine disruptor for some men, permanent. DHT is mission critical for libido, virilization, development and maintenance of the sex organs. We have seen young guys have their hormones ruined from these 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. A high price to pay to slow down hair loss.
Sexual side effects
There are case reports of persistent diminished libido or erectile dysfunction, even after stopping the drug.[18] In December 2008, the Swedish Medical Products agency concluded a safety investigation of finasteride and advised that finasteride may cause irreversible sexual dysfunction.
Thanks a lot KSman for the quick and helpful reply.
The only other numbers I got were T4 which was a 12.11 in a range of 6.09-12.23 and also T3 which was 1.54 out of 0.87-1.78.
I’ll bring that list to have checked to my PCP and the Endocrinologist when I see him/her.
I had read several places about varicoceles (including one guy here in the Estradial sticky) claiming that they were a cause of low T but now I don’t know.
From what I can gather my Gynecomastia is caused by too high of E2 and which may or may not be lowering my T.
I’ll also read that sticky you recommended. I’ve read about the dangers of Finasteride too and I don’t have any of the side effects but I’m hoping that it’s not causing any of my issues.
[quote]Brama wrote:
Is there any chance that I can have varico/hydrocele surgery and it will increase my T levels? Can I possibly take something other than TRT in order to fix my T levels?
Sometimes, we need more labs, if LH/FSH are low, surgery probably will not increase T unless you can also identify some other correctable cause of the secondary hypogonadism.
Read the advice for new guys sticky. Note thyroid and iodine issues and check your body temperatures. Come back with more data about you and your meds.
You can get [USA] 5,000iu vit-D3 tiny oil based capsules at Walmart, very inexpensive.
Can be a very strong endocrine disruptor for some men, permanent. DHT is mission critical for libido, virilization, development and maintenance of the sex organs. We have seen young guys have their hormones ruined from these 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. A high price to pay to slow down hair loss.
Sexual side effects
There are case reports of persistent diminished libido or erectile dysfunction, even after stopping the drug.[18] In December 2008, the Swedish Medical Products agency concluded a safety investigation of finasteride and advised that finasteride may cause irreversible sexual dysfunction.
[quote]KSman wrote:
[quote]Brama wrote:
Is there any chance that I can have varico/hydrocele surgery and it will increase my T levels? Can I possibly take something other than TRT in order to fix my T levels?
Sometimes, we need more labs, if LH/FSH are low, surgery probably will not increase T unless you can also identify some other correctable cause of the secondary hypogonadism.
Read the advice for new guys sticky. Note thyroid and iodine issues and check your body temperatures. Come back with more data about you and your meds.
You can get [USA] 5,000iu vit-D3 tiny oil based capsules at Walmart, very inexpensive.
Can be a very strong endocrine disruptor for some men, permanent. DHT is mission critical for libido, virilization, development and maintenance of the sex organs. We have seen young guys have their hormones ruined from these 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. A high price to pay to slow down hair loss.
Sexual side effects
There are case reports of persistent diminished libido or erectile dysfunction, even after stopping the drug.[18] In December 2008, the Swedish Medical Products agency concluded a safety investigation of finasteride and advised that finasteride may cause irreversible sexual dysfunction.
Thanks a lot KSman for the quick and helpful reply.
The only other numbers I got were T4 which was a 12.11 in a range of 6.09-12.23 and also T3 which was 1.54 out of 0.87-1.78.
I’ll bring that list to have checked to my PCP and the Endocrinologist when I see him/her.
I had read several places about varicoceles (including one guy here in the Estradial sticky) claiming that they were a cause of low T but now I don’t know.
From what I can gather my Gynecomastia is caused by too high of E2 and which may or may not be lowering my T.
I’ll also read that sticky you recommended. I’ve read about the dangers of Finasteride too and I don’t have any of the side effects but I’m hoping that it’s not causing any of my issues.
[quote]Brama wrote:
Is there any chance that I can have varico/hydrocele surgery and it will increase my T levels? Can I possibly take something other than TRT in order to fix my T levels?
Sometimes, we need more labs, if LH/FSH are low, surgery probably will not increase T unless you can also identify some other correctable cause of the secondary hypogonadism.
Read the advice for new guys sticky. Note thyroid and iodine issues and check your body temperatures. Come back with more data about you and your meds.
You can get [USA] 5,000iu vit-D3 tiny oil based capsules at Walmart, very inexpensive.
Can be a very strong endocrine disruptor for some men, permanent. DHT is mission critical for libido, virilization, development and maintenance of the sex organs. We have seen young guys have their hormones ruined from these 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. A high price to pay to slow down hair loss.
Sexual side effects
There are case reports of persistent diminished libido or erectile dysfunction, even after stopping the drug.[18] In December 2008, the Swedish Medical Products agency concluded a safety investigation of finasteride and advised that finasteride may cause irreversible sexual dysfunction.
Thanks a lot KSman for the quick and helpful reply.
The only other numbers I got were T4 which was a 12.11 in a range of 6.09-12.23 and also T3 which was 1.54 out of 0.87-1.78.
I’ll bring that list to have checked to my PCP and the Endocrinologist when I see him/her.
I had read several places about varicoceles (including one guy here in the Estradial sticky) claiming that they were a cause of low T but now I don’t know.
From what I can gather my Gynecomastia is caused by too high of E2 and which may or may not be lowering my T.
I’ll also read that sticky you recommended. I’ve read about the dangers of Finasteride too and I don’t have any of the side effects but I’m hoping that it’s not causing any of my issues.
I’ve had a varicocele diagnosed almost 30 years ago. Never had it repaired because I wasn’t interested in having kids. Had plenty of “oops” sex where someone could have gotten pregnant. Never had kids or got anyone pregnant. 25 years later and I was diagnosed primary hypogonadal as my nuts had given up what little production of androgens they had left. Apparently there was little chance of me being fertile with the varicocele and now I’m paying the price in terms of nonexistent androgen production. 30 years ago I don’t remember the urologist ever mentioning I would have to supplement test eventually. FWIW.
[quote]DxHypo wrote:
I’ve had a varicocele diagnosed almost 30 years ago. Never had it repaired because I wasn’t interested in having kids. Had plenty of “oops” sex where someone could have gotten pregnant. Never had kids or got anyone pregnant. 25 years later and I was diagnosed primary hypogonadal as my nuts had given up what little production of androgens they had left. Apparently there was little chance of me being fertile with the varicocele and now I’m paying the price in terms of nonexistent androgen production. 30 years ago I don’t remember the urologist ever mentioning I would have to supplement test eventually. FWIW.[/quote]
Thanks very much for the post. I’m really hoping to avoid TRT and am just hoping I can correct it somehow else. Probably just holding on to false hope but still hoping.
Thanks again.