[quote]Magicpunch wrote:
[quote]metal.head wrote:
[quote]Mascherano wrote:
While we’re talking grammar, does anyone know which is correct? Saying:
Those are them.
Those are they.
For example:
(Rando) Are those the scissors I lent you?
(Me) Yep, those are they.
I swear this is what I was taught to say, but its sounds ridiculous. (my parents are immigrants btw, so anythings possible)[/quote]
“those are they”.
and this also goes for “is”, as in “it is I” (instead of “it is me”)
but “between you and me” is also proper.
most americans don’t care, but if you are talking to a brit, they’ll call you on it :)[/quote]
Actually, every single person except one of my history professors uses “it is me” or “you and me.” I think the “proper” way is becoming as outmoded here in england as it seems to be over your end (in casual, spoken terms anyhow)
This said, every once in a while people do call me out on shit like this and it is irritating.
For example, at my university they hated split infinitives. Which tecnically made “to boldly go where no man has gone before” incorrect. Fuck that, it sounds a whole lot better than “to go boldly, where no man has gone before”[/quote]
tru dat 
living in ca, i know quite a few brits (and even dated one -nice rack), and they seem to be grammar perfectionists, even though they are nice about it. so thats when i break out da hip-hop, haha
churchill was so supposedly opposed to ending sentences with a preposition that he has this quote:
“This is the sort of English up with which I will not put.” (i didnt research to see if he really said it)