Got My Bloodwork Back, Advice?

My Case:

  • 25 years old
  • 5’10"
  • 29" waist
  • 175 lbs
  • I am hairy everywhere, except my middle back, strong, thick facial hair as well
  • I am carrying fat in my mid section only. At ~12% bf, my delt and arm veins pop
  • I have a minor umbilical hernia as well

Lab Results:

Format: - Item: Result (Range)

  • Testosterone, Free: 23.9 (31.0 - 94.0) pmol/L
  • DHEA-S: 5.8 ( < 15.0) umol/L
  • Ferritin: 113 (22 - 322) ug/L
  • FSH: 1 (2 - 8) IU/L
  • LH: 2 (2 - 6) IU/L
  • Estradiol 17 Beta: <70 ( < 150) pmol/L
  • Total Prolactin: 7 (2 - 18) ug/L


I’m currently cutting for summer @ 2000-2200 calories. I stick to a typical bodybuilder diet including non-processed foods like vegetables, meats, whey and nuts. I eat absolutely no gluten either.

  • Protein: 200 g
  • Fat: 78 g
  • Carbs: 125 g


I’ve been rocking Layne Norton’s PHAT for about 2 years with good progress until the last few months. I don’t intend to change this. Since starting to cut, I removed a leg day and I alternate once a week due to cardio restrictions on recovery.


I haven’t had morning wood more than once in the last 8 months. I have no desire to get laid whatsoever, and haven’t since November. This is bugging me hardcore. No nocturnal emissions either.

I went and got a more comprehensive panel done. I would REALLY appreciate it if someone would chime in on the results, before I start self-administration.

Hemoglobin - 148 g/L (135-175)
Hematocrit - 0.43 L/L (0.40-0.50)
White Blood Cell Count - 6.5 x E9/L (4.0-11.0)
Red Blood Cell Count - 5.10 x E12/L (4.5-6.0)
MCV - 85.1 fL (80.0-100.0)
MCH - 29.0 pg (27.5-33.0)
MCHC - 341 g/L (305-360)
RDW - 13.0 % (11.5-14.5)
Platelet Count - 220 x E9/L (150-400)

Glucose-Random - 3.9 mmol/L
HbA1C - 0.051 (<0.060)
Creatinine - 94 umol/L (62-115)
eGFR - 85

Total Bilirubin - 29 umol/L (< 22)
ALT - 48 U/L (12-49)
Alkaline Phosphatase - 71 U/L (45-129)
Creatine Kinase - 662 U/L (40-280)
Albumin - 47 U/L (35-50)

Triglycerides - 0.51 mmol/L
Cholesterol - 4.10 mmol/L
HDL Cholesterol - 1.81 mmol/L
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio - 2.3 mmol/L

LDL Cholesterol - 2.06 mmol/L
Non-HDL Cholesterol - 2.29 mmol/L

Free T3 - 4.5 pmol/L
Free Testosterone - 12.0 pmol/L (31.0-94.0)
Thyrotropin (Sensitive TSH) - 2.64 mIU/L (0.30-4.00)
Free T4 - 17 pmol/L (9-23)
FSH - 2 IU/L (2-8)
LH - 3 IU/L (2-6)
Progesterone - 2 nmol/L (<4)
Estradiol - 88 pmol/L (<150)
Prolactin - 6 ug/L (2-18)
SHBG - 44.5 nmol/L (10.0-70.0)

I went to see a GP regarding this issue two days ago. The doctor said she had no real experience with this and that she would refer me to an endocrinologist. I told my GP that due to the fact that I feel like shit, I am considering self-administration and would like her help to get labs done. She wrote me a requisition form for labs with a blank date and she will call me when my results come in, and we’ll look at them together. At the very least I can use KSMan’s suggestions for 100 mg/week and see what happens.

I have also been doing my own research to find a refutable endo here in Kitchener-Waterloo, and it seems there is no one. The closest one’s that are worth checking out are located in Toronto and have minimum 8 month waiting lists. Some of them are booking into next year.

I was over at a friend’s place, discussing this issue and he’s been cycling for years. He tells me to close my eyes, and hands me a brand new bottle of Test-C and says “Happy Belated Birthday”. Also, I noticed my right testicle has a dull aching pain now, but that could be psychological.

The questions now are:

  • Do I bother getting ahold of Aromasin and HCG before starting (I have several sources, and they always have stock)?
  • Do I start with 100 mg/week, get lab work done in 6 weeks, and adjust as necessary? If I do this, and eventually get into an Endo, how do I present my case without coming off as a drug seeker. I have 2 years worth of bloodwork prior to starting.


  • Do I wait the 8-16 months for a good endo and feel like shit, have no sex life, and lose gains?
  • Do I consider a mono-therapy using Nolvadex and/or HCG?

Hello friend,

I can relate to you very much as i am self administering. So i ll tell you a few things about self administering. I have been doing it the past 8 months.

Firstly i want to answer you question and tell you to go with option number 2 and wait for endo and i dont really get your ranges on top but your TSH looks high. Someone with more knowledge like KSman can jump in and check your labs. You might have something that can be fixed like your thyroid which in return will boost your total T. Do NOT be in a hurry mate. Patience.

Self administering is very risky for many reasons. I ll list a few below from my experience:

  1. Do you have a stable job and income and will be able to pay all the necessary blood work and tests you will need and also pay for all the stuff you will need like test e or c, arimidex (very expensive), hcg (very expensive)?

  2. Are you guaranteed with a reliable source for many years? What happens if your source gets caught? Moves city? or whatever else?

  3. Are you sure you will be putting in your body testosterone or something else from bunk stuff for many years?

  4. Yeah sure test is cheap but TRUST ME you will not only need T. This might be your initial thought but most probably you will need an AI (ok you will get research labs) and you will need HCG which is expensive.

  5. Have you done research? Read a few books on the subject? Know where you will be ordering all your labs? Checking hematocrit, blood pressure, estradiol, free t etc?

  6. Interested in having kids in the future? TRT can affect your sperm count and i do not know if stopping TRT will guarantee that you sperm count comes back fully. Another reason you need HCG which can be expensive.

There are many many factors you have to take into consideration before doing this. Be a bit more patient.

I live in a country where you mention TRT to doctors and they laugh and say you will get cancer. Yea i have a great source which sells phaurmaceutical grade stuff but still what happens if he gets caught or whatver? I will have to go looking.

I spend a great amount of money in monitoring everything and for all my stuff. Is it worth it? For sure. But i have a stable job with a stable woman by my side and if anything happens with my job i have people i can rely on until i find another job. I wont be doing this forever. Im planning in the future to travel to america to John Crisler or another very well known good doctor to get normal prescriptions.

I hope this helps.

Also your ALT looks elevated. Present your case in the thread KSman is here. You will get a reply from him and tell you what is going on with your labs.

And i would not do anything before seeing an endo (like nolvadex or hcg mono) because you prob want your levels as low as possible before seeing an endo and you want him to see what is going on exactly with you.


Jon makes excellent points.

I concur. MY doc will give me test c but nothing else and really doesnt have a clue about blood work.

He actually told me the only test i would ever need to run is free-t and PSA.

Even with the test C costing me nothing out of pocket, Im really beginning to doubt if it is all worth it or not.

I do not have a private blood draw lab within about 200 miles of me so that really isnt even an option for me.

You have some very deep thinking do to, thinking that can change your life forever.

Hey All,

I had my balls MRI-ed recently, no cancer woohoo!

I finally had an appointment with an endocrinologist. She ran me through the physical check-up, felt up my pecs and asked a ton of questions.

Reviewed my prior bloodwork and sent out for more to check: ACTH, TSH, Free T3/T4, LH/FSH, Total Testosterone, Serum Cortisol and Serum Prolactin.

Testing me for cushing’s perhaps?

Bloodwork is back. Results are:

Testosterone - 16.9 nmol/L (8.4-28.8)
TSH - 1.49 mIU/L (0.30-4.00)
Free T4 - 16 pmol/L (9-23)
Free T3 - 6.0 pmol/L (3.5-6.5)
Prolactin - 9 ug/L (2-18)
FSH - 1 IU/L (2-8)
LH - 6 IU/L (2-6)
Cortisol - 316 nmol/L (170-720)
ACTH - 2.6 pmol/L (<14.0)

Would really appreciate it if someone would chime in

Lab ranges and conversion from SI to traditional units:

LH is released in pulses and has a very short half life. So the results are not very decisive. FSH is more indicative of your status.

Time of day for cortisol lab? should be 8AM

TSH: do the temperature checks in the thyroid basics sticky. Your fT3, fT4 looks decent now. But perhaps your iodine intake is not enough and your TSH has been working your thyroid a bit hard at times to get the job done.

Cholesterol labs look OK, not too low.

DHEA may be low for a young guy. Take DHEA with a meal that contains fats/oils; but not with high fiber foods.

What news since we met last Wednesday?

Keeping E2 optimal will improve your response to what T you have.

Over training can wear down your mind, body and lower your T levels.