golden triangle

“…but have you grew a third arm or eyeball?”

The correct word is “GROW”. It’s the rest of the sentence that needs to be reworded.

Ex. But did you grow a third arm or leg?"

Damn, you Americans!

Mass its “grown” or are you calling p-dog stupid by saying it’s the whole wording that needs to be changed.

No Quinn, by saying “grown”, you are speaking in past tense, which P-dog was NOT doing. He was speaking in the present.

“PDog, is that where you get all your barely legal chicks?”

well duh…what do you think i do it for?


nope i have a 9 year old now. i think i am done making babies

warhorse, its like cultivating a crop. you nurture them, and watch them grow, then once they turn 18, they bloom!

Drago1: I see. Besides, sounds like your “children” are really in vials.

PDog: I bet you send them all a birthday card with a little coupon for a free dryhumping lesson.

Drago1: I see. Besides, sounds like your “children” are really in vials.

I just got a visual of Drago opening a chest full of goodies and looking down into it with fatherly joy before making the statement,“Ah yes my lovely children and my how you are going to make daddy so proud…EQ, are you going to stack with Sust today? Winny do you want to come and play with Test and Tren? No? Maybe Test and Tren want to play with D bol. Oh, I see they are all nodding yes. That makes daddy so happy. Now I am going to go and get my 10cc syringe so you and daddy can all play in Gluteus Maximus Muscle Land. Now remember in a few weeks Clomid and Recovery will be comming over so play nice OK?” Yeah I am bored, sorry.

LMAO Twelvenme!

10cc syringe, yep, that’d be our bro Drago.

lol ru. are you high? to the rest of you. you are some hijacking motherfuckers. are you all fucking arabs or something?

rofl lmfao!!!

are we arabs lmao!!!

Drago, recently in Muscle Development there was an article on bootleg companies, and Golden Triangle was listed I believe as having some good gear. I just scored some Test Eth and Tren and it says Hefei Anhui China, so I think it is a PRC product.

You guys do really need a television show.Too fucking funny.

Not funny enough for a TV show actually…therefore consigned to 4th grade cutups to a serious question.

I think we need to have an adult- adoclescents-who-think-they-are-funny forum, that we they can entertain themselves by jerking off to each others juvenile jokes.

hows that GT treating you bro?

and they say roid’s dont affect your mental capacity…

By the way whats wrong with barely legal…the key is “legal” thats all that counts…