Hello and Thanks
Hi everyone,
I’ve done pretty basic weight training sporadically for a while but about 6 months ago I injured my back and spent a fair bit of time at the physio. I’d been doing a pretty useless program up til that point with chest and tris one day, back the next, then shoulders and bis and then legs. I’d built up some bad muscle imbalances, hunched shoulders, over developed upper lats… I decided some research was in order which led me to this website which has been invaluable, so thanks!
Since then I’ve been what I think is a much better program. I go to the gym 4 or 5 times a week and have four routines
Day 1 Back
Power cleans
BB rows
Lat pulls
Face pulls
Day 2 Upper body
Bench press
Military press
Pull overs
DB press
Day 3 Back
Chin ups
Good mornings
DB rows
Cable rows
Dead lifts
Day 4 Legs
Back squats
Front squats
Glute hams raise
Calf raise
Ususally going around 3 sets of each for 4 or 5 reps. I don’t have set days I go to the gym so I just rotate through them usually doing about 3 days in a row and rarely more than two days off in a row.
I try and run 2/3 times a week as well.
This seems to have really strengthened my back and I feel much better for it.
I went and did 1 rep maxes last night for bench, squat and dead lift and got 105kg, 145kg and 140kg.
I weigh 80kg and am 178cm tall. 6 months ago I’d struggle to bench press my body weight so I’m pretty pleased with it.
I don’t really want to put any weight on but want to lift more. I’m a little unsure of what realistic goals to set for myself for the next 6 months are. What do you guys think?
I’ve been pleased with the program I’m doing but am wondering about changing it up. There seems to be a trend towards full body workouts but usually with a rest day before the next one. Do you think I’m better sticking to my split workouts or am I better off going full body? Won’t I wear myself out if I’m doing a few days in a row?
Do I have to eat like a fat prick if I’m not trying to put on weight?