Gnarly Dreams

[quote]ctschneider wrote:
Has anyone here ever experienced hynogogic paralysis prior to waking up or falling asleep? I’ve experienced this just a couple of times and it is far more frightening than any nightmare I’ve had - and I’ve had a few dreams that were perhaps more gruesome than the ones WhiteFlash just described.

As far as I’m concerned, there’s no nightmare and very little in the real world that can rival being unable to move your limbs or even open your mouth to scream for help while experiencing the creeping sense of dread and an invisible, malevolent presence that always seems to accompany this state halfway between waking and sleep.[/quote]

Happens to me all the time, and it’s terrible… The worst part is that not being able to move is probably my greatest phobia.

Pretty crazy experience though. You struggle with every ounce of strength you have, and yet you can’t even move your little finger…

I also get these incredibly painful jolts that occur when I’m drifting off to sleep. I’ve been shocked by wall sockets before, and these are way worse.

[quote]Vegg wrote:
ctschneider wrote:
Has anyone here ever experienced hynogogic paralysis prior to waking up or falling asleep? I’ve experienced this just a couple of times and it is far more frightening than any nightmare I’ve had - and I’ve had a few dreams that were perhaps more gruesome than the ones WhiteFlash just described.

As far as I’m concerned, there’s no nightmare and very little in the real world that can rival being unable to move your limbs or even open your mouth to scream for help while experiencing the creeping sense of dread and an invisible, malevolent presence that always seems to accompany this state halfway between waking and sleep.

Happens to me all the time, and it’s terrible… The worst part is that not being able to move is probably my greatest phobia.

Pretty crazy experience though. You struggle with every ounce of strength you have, and yet you can’t even move your little finger…

I also get these incredibly painful jolts that occur when I’m drifting off to sleep. I’ve been shocked by wall sockets before, and these are way worse.


Yes, but never for more than a few seconds. They are quite terrifying. I woke up completely unable to hear out of my left ear for three days once a few years ago. Was scared like no ther then all of a sudden it came back and I could hear without any obstructions. That was pretty weird.

Damn, and I thought that dreaming about banging a hot secretary with 3 tits was fucked up…

[quote]Bicep_craze wrote:
Damn, and I thought that dreaming about banging a hot secretary with 3 tits was fucked up…[/quote]

That’s not f@%#ed up. That’s just plain awesome.

Most recent dreams
I was at this girls house who i used to have a huge crush on. It was her birthday and one of the male characters from the tv show friends was making her French toast.

I walked around the house for a while surveying all the rooms and their backyard. When I cam back to he kitchen, the dude had totally botched the toast, so I proceeded to make her the worlds first batch of blueberry french toast. It turned out awesome, but I woke up before she came home to eat it.

[quote]ctschneider wrote:
Has anyone here ever experienced hynogogic paralysis prior to waking up or falling asleep? I’ve experienced this just a couple of times and it is far more frightening than any nightmare I’ve had - and I’ve had a few dreams that were perhaps more gruesome than the ones WhiteFlash just described.

As far as I’m concerned, there’s no nightmare and very little in the real world that can rival being unable to move your limbs or even open your mouth to scream for help while experiencing the creeping sense of dread and an invisible, malevolent presence that always seems to accompany this state halfway between waking and sleep.[/quote]

Had one the other night, they are always supenatural in nature. This one I could see my room around me, but couldn’t wake myself up, had a ghostly feel to it. I used to get them all the time and they always had a ghostly feel to them. I have had them where I am struck by lightning and can’t move but my mind is wide awake.

[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
Oh, and the dreams about murdering numbers of people? Pshh. I have those multiple times a week.[/quote]

dude i slit my dogs throat

and ate him

actually all my dreams are either sexual or violent but i think Freud said that most dreams are either of sexual or violent nature anyway.

I was laying down about to go to sleep. My tv was busted and all it got was a staticky reception, so it was turned off. I close my eyes for a moment, and when I open them there’s an older woman in a rocking chair wearing an 18th century full length pink gown facing the tv watching the static. I sit there for a moment without saying a word, and as I’m finally about to say something she turns her head to look at me and her face is all mangled and contorted [kinda like the Ring but more grotesque] and lets out a shriek, and as she’s shrieking her face is becoming more mangled and horrifying. The shriek was so unsettling it sent literal chills down my spine. I woke up immediately and the tv was on. I’m sure I rolled over on the remote and hit power, but this is still the only dream I’ve had as an adult that truly spooked me.

[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
I was laying down about to go to sleep. My tv was busted and all it got was a staticky reception, so it was turned off. I close my eyes for a moment, and when I open them there’s an older woman in a rocking chair wearing an 18th century full length pink gown facing the tv watching the static. I sit there for a moment without saying a word, and as I’m finally about to say something she turns her head to look at me and her face is all mangled and contorted [kinda like the Ring but more grotesque] and lets out a shriek, and as she’s shrieking her face is becoming more mangled and horrifying. The shriek was so unsettling it sent literal chills down my spine. I woke up immediately and the tv was on. I’m sure I rolled over on the remote and hit power, but this is still the only dream I’ve had as an adult that truly spooked me.[/quote]

dude that dream fucking spooked ME

plus the creepy ass horror movie music playing in the other room didnt help lol

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
WhiteFlash wrote:
Oh, and the dreams about murdering numbers of people? Pshh. I have those multiple times a week.

dude i slit my dogs throat

and ate him

actually all my dreams are either sexual or violent but i think Freud said that most dreams are either of sexual or violent nature anyway.[/quote]

It’s a little weird, but nothing too crazy. Freud also thought that just about everything reverted back to “mommy issues”. Wouldn’t put too much stock into what he said.

[quote]ctschneider wrote:
Bicep_craze wrote:
Damn, and I thought that dreaming about banging a hot secretary with 3 tits was fucked up…

That’s not f@%#ed up. That’s just plain awesome.[/quote]


ok well, another dream which was pretty damn good was about a sweet ass girl I know. She had a gun, pointed it to me and demanded me to fuck her. She was wearing one of those kinky police suits bdw. It went like:

Her: Points gun

Me: What?

Her: Fuck ME

Me: Uuuuuuh, HELL YEAH!

Then she proceeeded to ride on top of me. Then another girl, I know, let’s call her Jane, entered the room and just stared at the two of us getin shit done. Jane came and wanted to participate, the one getting it turned around shot Jane in the face, and in Robocop style she said “He’s Mine”, I was like “FUCK YEAH!, but why no 3some?”. The robocopescque kinky ass police woman then pointed the gun to my face while I was still inside her and told me ‘GIVE ME PLEASURE NOW!’. I then remember biting her neck vampire style, threw off the gun and fucked her like there’s no tomorrow. After we finished I killed her tough.


[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
WhiteFlash wrote:
Oh, and the dreams about murdering numbers of people? Pshh. I have those multiple times a week.

dude i slit my dogs throat

and ate him

actually all my dreams are either sexual or violent but i think Freud said that most dreams are either of sexual or violent nature anyway.

It’s a little weird, but nothing too crazy. Freud also thought that just about everything reverted back to “mommy issues”. Wouldn’t put too much stock into what he said.[/quote]

yeah, my Psych teacher told me just about all over Freuds theories are outdated and not used in contemporary psychology. although there are still some things that were very ground breaking.

i had another dream last night

it involved Rob Dyrdeck, Vin Disiel, Brad Castleberry, Arnold Schwarzenegger and some dude with the letters M L tattooed on his face.

my dream involved BMX riding, Taco Bell, a fat lady who crowded the sidewalk and Arnold Schwarzenegger breaking some kids car window cause he pissed him off.

the weird thing about it though is one person would be one person in a certain segment but then in another they would be a different person but it was assumed that they were still the person from before.

i ended up being in some BMX training facility were the dude with M L tat’d on his face was like the head instructor and was like “you dont like college huh?” or something to that effect. then i was bouncing some tennis ball off the wall and trying to catch it but i was missing and i was like, “i could do better but my forearms are dead” and he was like “so then make your forearms stronger”

then i was doing like backflips on a bike and shit. idk weird dream.

and there was some violence because Brad Castleberry had to try and be restrained lol

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
WhiteFlash wrote:
I was laying down about to go to sleep. My tv was busted and all it got was a staticky reception, so it was turned off. I close my eyes for a moment, and when I open them there’s an older woman in a rocking chair wearing an 18th century full length pink gown facing the tv watching the static. I sit there for a moment without saying a word, and as I’m finally about to say something she turns her head to look at me and her face is all mangled and contorted [kinda like the Ring but more grotesque] and lets out a shriek, and as she’s shrieking her face is becoming more mangled and horrifying. The shriek was so unsettling it sent literal chills down my spine. I woke up immediately and the tv was on. I’m sure I rolled over on the remote and hit power, but this is still the only dream I’ve had as an adult that truly spooked me.

dude that dream fucking spooked ME

plus the creepy ass horror movie music playing in the other room didnt help lol[/quote]

Haha. When I got up I took a piss and then grabbed my pistol and checked all my closets, no shit. I was real deal spooked.

[quote]ctschneider wrote:
Has anyone here ever experienced hynogogic paralysis prior to waking up or falling asleep? I’ve experienced this just a couple of times and it is far more frightening than any nightmare I’ve had - and I’ve had a few dreams that were perhaps more gruesome than the ones WhiteFlash just described.

As far as I’m concerned, there’s no nightmare and very little in the real world that can rival being unable to move your limbs or even open your mouth to scream for help while experiencing the creeping sense of dread and an invisible, malevolent presence that always seems to accompany this state halfway between waking and sleep.[/quote]

This has happened to me at least three times, and the first time it happened I thought my soul had been ripped out and I was being possessed by the devil or a ghost. I was trying to fall asleep but I was having some trouble. For whatever reason my mind drifted to thoughts about death and hell and stuff like that, then in mid thought my body became completely useless. I could feel my body, but somehow i felt cold and I was completely unable to move. Like I said, it felt like my soul had been taken from me by a malevolent presence and I would be doomed to live as a shell of a person. I woke up a few minutes after that, but there is no dream experience at all that comes close to this sort of fear.

I had a sweet dream last night. I had a white Corvette and was flying down the highway, going stupid fast.

It was amazing.

[quote]ctschneider wrote:
Has anyone here ever experienced hynogogic paralysis prior to waking up or falling asleep? I’ve experienced this just a couple of times and it is far more frightening than any nightmare I’ve had - and I’ve had a few dreams that were perhaps more gruesome than the ones WhiteFlash just described.

As far as I’m concerned, there’s no nightmare and very little in the real world that can rival being unable to move your limbs or even open your mouth to scream for help while experiencing the creeping sense of dread and an invisible, malevolent presence that always seems to accompany this state halfway between waking and sleep.[/quote]

Yes I have had these. Very frightening.

In case some of you youngsters are interested in the origin of the word “gnarly”

(right around the 5:45 mark)

That is weird because I have been having vivid dreams just about every single night for the past few weeks when I usually only dream about 1/4 as much.

One of my most recent dreams was when Pen from Pen & Teller was beating me up for no reason.

[quote]chillain wrote:
In case some of you youngsters are interested in the origin of the word “gnarly”

(right around the 5:45 mark)

my how the times have changed