Hi, I’m new! I hope it’s okay to start a post here. I’m just glad to see there’s a section for the ladies here. I actually found out about T-Nation yesterday when I stumbled upon a link called “Sexy Female Training.” I started looking around and it seems like this place looks very helpful and knowledgeable.
I’m involved with another fitness place online, I won’t name names, and I have many of their at-home workout products. I feel like there are some things I’ve been looking for that aren’t really provided there, and after looking around here, I think there are things here that are a breath of fresh air!
I always feel kind of weird posting introductions on new forums… I guess I just figure people probably aren’t interested in hearing a lot of background info, but here goes anyways…
I’ve been struggling to lose weight and be in my best shape for about 4 years now. At my heaviest four years ago, I was 172 pounds and 5’2". Right now I’m down to 153, but I’ve been fluctuating a lot over the past few years, getting down to 138 last summer, and all the way up to 160 right after my wedding last October. I’ve also gone back and forth with muscles and strength.
Unfortunately, I’ve also been struggling with bulimia and overeating/binge eating as well as some anxiety problems for the past couple of years. I’ve been seeing a therapist for about 6 months now, though, and I think I’ve made a lot of progress. Despite having issues related to food, I’ve always been interested in nutrition and fitness, and I’m actually hoping to get certified as a personal trainer sometime in the next year. My goal is to find a way to still enjoy and partake in food and fitness interests without letting it be effected by, or have an affect on my food issues. I have hope, though, that with a little more work I’ll finally get past some of my current problems.
One of the reasons I became interested in joining in here, is that I get the impression that this website/forum is a place where it’s okay for women to be strong, and that it’s not just about “skinny” I’m not looking to compete or anything, or become super muscular, but I’m hoping this is a place where women don’t have to have that “waif” look and instead can be fit and toned, strong and capable.
Anyways, that’s kind of my story, and I hope it wasn’t too boring. I’m looking forward to learning more here and getting to know all of you!