Kids with hairy palms everywhere!
Did you hear the one about the guy who caught his kid jerking off?
He said," Son, you’ll go blind."
Son said, “Dad, I’m over here!”
All jokes aside,
Good luck Push.
Kids with hairy palms everywhere!
Did you hear the one about the guy who caught his kid jerking off?
He said," Son, you’ll go blind."
Son said, “Dad, I’m over here!”
All jokes aside,
Good luck Push.
I didn’t know about his charitable stuff, either. Apparently he was a Jehovah’s Witness and taking credit for doing stuff like that is forbidden. He also apparently took it very seriously.
If he had his way, we probably still wouldn’t know about it.
He would do concerts in cities as a cover so that he could meet with community groups without anyone else finding out. He would talk to them about the different projects they were interested in and fund them.
A former White House correspondent of some sort spilled the beans in a video when he first died. He said Prince helped some neighborhoods in Oakland get solar panels among many other things (that’s the only example I can remember off the top of my head, but he listed off 2 or 3 more).
I mean, it’s the topic of the thread. It’s not like people who don’t like his comments seeked out a soap box to make sure everyone heard their sensitive opinions.
Stu started a thread asking for people’s thoughts on the topic and they replied.
I even commented in so many words that this isn’t really news worthy in the first place.
You just love calling people out, been doing it since I joined this site many moons ago. I still think you’re a good guy, though, I don’t hold it against you.
I wholeheartedly agree with the ending statement. So much of this world (especially this country) would be a whole lot better if people did this.
I also don’t think that it’s fair to compare addiction to drugs with sex addiction.
I believe sex addiction is real, but it’s too easy for people to claim it just because they don’t want to exhibit some self-control.
Just so there is no confusion, I meant to lighten the mood with a fun joke.
Then a totally separate topic/train of thought, where I meant to show compassion for Push’s friend.
Is this actually a topic of important consideration?
Important? This is the “Get A Life” section, so it’s right where it belongs.
Good point. =)
But he still looked like a skinny boy although a good musician
Everything he said is true. This is a good time to say it. Not talking about what killed Prince is just wasting a good opportunity to beat people over the head with the fact that drug abuse is a killer. Whoever wrote that article is a total moron. Yes everyone knows what killed Prince you do not need to be a coroner to talk about it. Yes it is pathetic that a great man like Prince did that to himself. Yes he did kill himself. He knew the drugs were killing him and he kept abusing them. There is no one to blame for Princes death except Prince.
It is a tragedy that such a musical genius wasted so much of his life. That does not take away from what he did. His music was incredible, but there should have been 20 more years of it. What Prince did was a pathetic thing to do to himself. I do not need to be a better man than Prince to speak to that truth.
You’re right Vern. Its a good idea to capitalise on a famous person dying to speak out to the obvious. The more abrasive, the better it gets through too. Especially over the internet.
Screw that one on one stuff and speaking from the heart to share a message of recovery.
In other news:
Wrecking cars is for idiots!
Only an asshole gets into a plane crash.
Heart disease =moron!
In closing, I’d like to say to anybody who has lost a loved one to any of these and many other preventable causes of death that I am glad that I could help after the fact.
Sure prince abusing opiates was a natural disaster. There is nothing to be learned from it. Shame is motivator, a good one that needs to be used when the goal is to save lives.
But let me be cool a modern day fool and just say. I criticize nothing others do, I just live and let the fools die.
Verne, if you were 1% as cool as Prince, you’d be five hundred billion times cooler than you are now, so shaddap!
Well he’s a dead drug addict so I think he would trade places with me if he could
I thought the joke part actually was hilarious. I guess the … made it seem like I was being sarcastic. Your post was clear to me, sir. No confusion.
Verne, I know that it is popular assumption that Prince was a drug addict, but I’d like you and anyone else to keep in mind that
it is not confirmed, it is just a lead that certain news media outlets (when I say news, it’s a very loose definition of that term) decided to roll with and now people are talking about it like they were there watching him pop pills in person and
drug addiction gets to a point where it’s not a simple “oh look, I’m a drug addict and need to stop now” fix, but you talk about it like he was just too weak willed. If it was simply about willpower, then a far less amount of people would die from it. That’s why drug addiction is officially considered a disease. When it gets bad enough, there’s essentially no turning back without outside help. I think this is the point that SkyzikS was trying to make.
he’d be doing us all a favour if he did
Well kind of obvious I made you look bad when you’re reduced to wishing death on me. But I’m not like Prince. I’m not so stupid as to be a drug addict who commits suicide by drugs
I don’t want you dead, I just want Prince back
Yep he was great. Hope people learn something from his death. Just acting like it was no big deal that he poisoned himself. That is making it happening again more likely. Prince died a fools death. The fact that he was a genius does not change the fact that he died a fool. It just makes it that much sadder, that much more foolish