First Injection Last Night, Sore Thigh

Bro your raw powder is from a source. Regardless of wether its home brew or pre made we are still trusting a source located in who tf knows where. What about that don’t you understand?

I have NO experience home brewing I also know nothing about quality raw sources. So YES I would rather trust someone who has brewed thousands of batches and has a trusted raw source and has hundreds of people all giving positive feedback on their product on forums then place an order from a raw source and try it myself.

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Why is it hard to understand that the chemical process of producing test has nothing to do with the experience of using gear? There’s no connection between the two. One can be a great chemist, without yet knowing the practicalities of using their product.

OP is obviously here to seek anecdotal advice.

If one has the intelligence to produce test, then it is only logical to assume they’re smart enough to do the most basic of research on the effects of injecting the fruits of their labour.

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I bet you’ll find a paper describing his exact injection process and subjective struggle, detailing a specified outcome.

As I said, he seeks anecdotal advice. The process he’s going through, given the struggle he had injecting, might differ slightly from what he’s read and he just wants to make sure.

What’s this forum for by the way?

Helping people and letting them know when they are making a mistake.


Exactly. He has made his decision and he seems to be stubborn about it. Answering what he’s open to learn about is all we can do.

I’m not really being stubborn, I made two simple threads one about homebrew and the other about injections. If you look at zekes post on my threads, he didn’t give serious answers until I called him out.

I just think you can go around looking for attention, but you cannot determine what type of attention you’ll be getting, and that’s why I was responding the way I did. I mean if you talk shit coming onto someone saying oh how the fuck did you not know this? You can’t get mad at me for talking shit back lol. When like you said the two things aren’t even related to each other.

Saying I should know what PIP feels like when I researched homebrew is like saying Walter white should know what meth feels like cuz he makes it.

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I don’t think that’s what he’s saying though… anyone who injects anything into themselves should have done some basic research about injections and what they are injecting. PIP is extremely common, one of the most talked about sides to injections… it’s not a long shot to surmise that you did not do much research before pinning, that’s all.

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That’s a wildly overstated claim. I wouldn’t say making your own test makes you “intelligent”. If so you have very low standards for what intelligence is. In hindsight this thread would’ve been a normal thread with normal answers until you asked me that stupid question.

Call me out?

I didn’t give you serious answers because you didn’t listen to any of the numerous other serious answers before I read your thread so why am I gonna waste my time?

At that point I just see someone who is exactly as Alex said stubborn and that can’t be told anything.

You lack basic research, preparation, and knowledge but get offended when people call you on your bullshit.

Im not even sure why I’m still responding to this thread you will do as you always do reply with something deflecting blaming others because they are wrong and you are right and you have everything under control.

Good luck on your aas journey regardless of what you think I do wish you the best.


Like an above poster said, I was just looking for anecdotal advice. I have read about PIP, I do know what it is and what compounds have more of it like injectable winny. I was just posting to make sure what I felt was congruent to what I read. When I posted the thread it was right after the shot so I wasn’t that sore. The next morning I was like yup this is definitely PIP lol.

Can you read that guys comment and honestly tell me he wasn’t being dramatic? “I’m fucking flabbergasted” lol really?

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So why did you waste your time? Lmfao if you already admitted to giving shitty answers.

You’re a clown, in my post history I’ve made references to E2, pinning frequency, nolvadex, homebrew, testosterone Ester lengths, gradual increase in test from 350- 500, etc…and all you can say to back up that I didn’t do my research is cuz I was late to recognize PIP :joy::joy::joy::joy:

I never said you were intelligent. I said if someone has the intelligence (and I did not specify the measurement of the intelligence required) to homebrew, then surely they’re not stupid enough to inject something into their body without knowing what is to come. But, here we are…

There is no need for me to justify my statement as Aaron has summed it up perfectly and it’s evident that the majority agree with me.

I will not be responding any longer.

Good luck with your cycle. I hope your thigh feels better. :slight_smile:


I am so fucking angry I fell asleep early last nite and miss the shit show in this thread. All of this shit because I posted an article about an idiot with ass cheeks that were about to fall off from injecting poison. Didnt know snowflakeGorilla was going to get so twisted up about. There was nothing normal about this thread. I cant imagine much is normal about someone who would complicate the first cycle process by deciding to brew their own batch. Well at least if he fucks it up, its only in his own body. I pray natural selection takes over from there.


@newbvet listen bro if your not gonna be helpful by validating this mastermind I think it’s best you just not give any input!

He has this all figured out he has post about E2, pinning frequency, Nolvadex, and homebrew. Even tho he didn’t know what pip was he’s a genius he doesn’t need you patrionizing him!


Stop mocking him, he is the resident pro at first time brews and cycles. To be honest, the more I think about it, I am surprised Chris let that thread stay alive where he talks about brewing. ConcreteBaboon says it doesnt take rocket science to brew, but yet he still ordered 60 grams? Maybe his pretend accident was a backwards way of trying to slide in and act as a source? If it is as easy as following directions laid out by someone else, why would you order so much extra?

Lmao Ya il be ordering his shit first thing in the morning! I hope he accepts monopoly money or Chuck e cheese tokens

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I am sure your wife would be thrilled about that when your ass cheeks are falling off and now she’s stuck wiping your ass and the babies. I wonder if he sent a sample off for testing before brewing? If so, I am very curios of the results. I couldnt see myself sticking some gear in my ass because it was labeled as such by some chinese company without verification.

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