See the thing is you SHOULD spend months researching what your about to do, longer even. The guys on here aren’t being snobs, they are merely suggesting you do more research. Yes it may come across as having a bit of attitude but that’s only because of the sheer volume of people coming onto the forum doing the exact same thing you are doing now.
What you have there looks fine. Continue your research, look into side effects, what to look out for with high or low e, how to combat it. Just keep researching until your 100% confident and ready.
Yes, it can be rocket science once things start to head south! Just look at the list of threads on this board alone as an example. Seriously…do it. Take time to actually read any of the threads that are asking for someone to help them interpret blood results, or maybe read the one’s talking about the unfortunate guys who are suffering with ED or libido loss or the guy who’s suggesting suicide because of the way his cycle left him. If you’ve done your research certainly you’ve given it more thought than just ‘if I get puffy nips -------> take tamoxifen’.
If you’d truly done any real research you wouldn’t have come in here suggesting a Dbol only cycle in the first place. If you want help, fine. You’ve come to the right place. There are a bunch of folks here @ Tnation that are eat, sleep, and breathe the lifestyle.There’s honestly no place better PRECISELY because we are not going to simply give you the positive affirmation to do something stupid to yourself with our help. There are plenty of places you could go where they’d probably encourage you to start your Dbol cycle (hell, they’d probably recommend adding a Superdrol kick start too).
If you truly are interested in learning then I suggest doing some reading on this board and come back with a serious, pointed question (not some form of 'Hey can you guys lay out a cycle for me to include PCT and throw in a few good sources while you’re at it…kthanxby"
Here’s how your original post could have been worded to illicit a more enlightening discussion (assuming you’d actually done the research you claim to have done)
“Hey guys…new to the forum and I’ve started a bit of research on my own and I have a question or two. I see that the prevailing wisdom to always include Testosterone as a base to any cycle but a few of my friends are recommending I do a Dbol only cycle. What are your thoughts on this approach?”