Hey everyone, I have been researching AAS for 2 years now and am thinking about doing my first cycle this summer. I’m 23 years old, have been training consistently for 8 years. Played NCAA college football for 4 years. I am 6 foot 1, 225 lbs right now, about 15% BF. My cycle would consist of 400mg Test E for the first 4 weeks, then increasing to 500mg a week for weeks 5-10. Would pin twice a week (mon/Thurs). Will use either Nolva or Arim every second day during cycle, but I want to know what would work better.
Plan would then be to take 2 weeks off and start PCT for 3 weeks, of at least Nolva but also looking at HCG, would love to hear some opinions on that. My main questions are what is the best diet for fat loss during cycle & what type of results other people have had. Keeping it simple with just the test e, as I have read that your first cycle should be kept simple. Would love to get some input, and feel free to ask any questions about info I may have missed.