First Cycle: Test Prop, Stanozolol, Pregnyl

Hi guys :slight_smile: So I’m 22 years old, 6.1 ft tall, 209 pounds, and I train from about 6 years.
The cycle :
1-8 test propionate 300/400mg
1-8 stanozolol 40 mg ED
1-8 Pregnyl
1-8 tamoxifen

I read alot in this forum but I still have questions.
I know this is very mild cycle, but I’m over cautious. When I was child (7 years old), I was opereted from retractile testicles.Before 2 months I go to my Doc and He said, that my testicles are a little bit smaller than in normal man, but this is normal after that kind of operation and everything down there is OK, and everything works perfectly fine. I asked him to check my testosterone levels, but he laught at me, and said there is no need.

So I have some concerns about testicles shrinkage, and I want to prevent it.
Pregnyl must do the work, but what about dosages. Is it better to take it 75iu ED, or 250iu E3D ? And is it 8 weeks of pregnyl save?
I want to be on a safety road guys :slight_smile:
What about my PCT ?
Sry for bad English :slight_smile:

  1. your doctor is an ass.
  2. pregnyl is generally run at 250iu 2x a week
  3. run an AI like adex/letro/aromasin during your cycle, not nolvadex.
  4. run nolvadex for 4 weeks, 3 days after your last pin 40/40/20/20
  5. drop the wistrol and up the test

Im going to pitch similar advice as mr walkaway except i personally would run pne of the ai’s he mentioned through the first week after the last pin, then start the tamoxifen around day 7 or 10 earliest. The esters are long enough that i think youd be starting too early with just 3 days. I actually wouldnt be surprised if he meant 3 weeks.

3-4 days in standard with prop

Thought i read e. my bad.

Thanks for replays :slight_smile: But, here in my country AI is very expensive… please explain me why you prefer AI, not Tamoxifen… I Know that they do the same thinks, but in a different ways… Don’t get me wrong, I want to do thinks right, so if AI is the only way, I won’t do the cycle, or do it when I can afford it.

They don’t do the same thing. Thats why you were told to get an AI. Get one. Arimidex can be found online and shipped to your country probably for a reasonable price.

[quote]installglass wrote:
They don’t do the same thing. [/quote]

precisely… Op, revaluate what you “know”…

Serm does not equal AI

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

[quote]installglass wrote:
They don’t do the same thing. [/quote]

precisely… Op, revaluate what you “know”…

Serm does not equal AI[/quote]

I was going to recommend doing some research into what these drugs do so that OP could educate himself as to why he needs an AI. Personally it feels more satisfying to do the work myself beside the fact that you are more likely to retain knowledge that you wasn’t spoon fed to you.