I’m looking at starting my first cycle. Below is the cycle and subsequent PCT. Any thuoghts or advice would be appreciated.
WEEKS 1-10
1ML each of Deca200 and Sustanon250
Weeks 11-12
Winny. 3ml Every other day.
Will have Nolvadex on hand for any signs of gyno
PCT: I have clomid but am leaning towards using a combination of that and novladex. Say 20MG Nolva per day for 5wks and XX of clomid? (Can’t remember off top of my head) This should be a long enough time for majority of gear to leave system and encourage natural testosterone production.
Also, i’m still waiting on definite prices, but I think it’ll come in at 600-700 Australian Dollars.
I’m aware doses are low, but it’s a first cycle so I still think good gains are assured.
Any thoughts/ideas guys? Or even feedback on the prices from any Aussies?