Yeah that’s a great fucking idea. Tell us how it goes.
[quote]13Alex13 wrote:
[quote]dt79 wrote:
For the love of Dio, how the fuck can testosterone not do anything for you? How? If that were the case, you would never have reached puberty. Wtf. Omg how the fuck can anyone be so stupid?[/quote]
What I was trying to say is that maybe my immune system was trying to get rid of the extra test…As said maybe the cycle was wrong but lifting and diet was at top notch and gained nothing…How do you expalin that?[/quote]
Have you done blood tests to see? You probably eat like a girl and lift like a kid. Maybe your gear is bunk. Maybe your nicking something when you inject. Maybe you’re using wooden needles. We aren’t doctors, but this could all easily be dealt with if you had done necessary blood tests to confirm gear in your system.
Gear doesn’t magically give you gains.
[quote]13Alex13 wrote:
[quote]dt79 wrote:
For the love of Dio, how the fuck can testosterone not do anything for you? How? If that were the case, you would never have reached puberty. Wtf. Omg how the fuck can anyone be so stupid?[/quote]
What I was trying to say is that maybe my immune system was trying to get rid of the extra test…As said maybe the cycle was wrong but lifting and diet was at top notch and gained nothing…How do you expalin that?[/quote]
Testosterone is not foreign to your body. It will not purge it. You may be sensitive to the ester or you just don’t know how to pin properly.
Your lifting and diet were NOT top notch.
You did not gain water weight because of the high dose of the AI. Many people who think they gained well on a cycle without using an AI are usually shocked to see their “gains” get pissed away within a month after their cycles.
I addressed this more politely in a post above. Your story is nothing new.
If you were eating enough to gain, YOU WOULD HAVE GAINED WEIGHT EVEN IF YOU WERE INJECTING SALINE WATER. Common sense. Shit, why did “he who cannot be mentioned” leave and take the red crayons with him?
[quote]13Alex13 wrote:
[quote]dt79 wrote:
For the love of Dio, how the fuck can testosterone not do anything for you? How? If that were the case, you would never have reached puberty. Wtf. Omg how the fuck can anyone be so stupid?[/quote]
What I was trying to say is that maybe my immune system was trying to get rid of the extra test…As said maybe the cycle was wrong but lifting and diet was at top notch and gained nothing…How do you expalin that?[/quote]
lol @ for the love of Dio!
Also that’s a new one about the immune system thing. Got to give the kid credit for original thinking.
Could you imagine if your immune system really did turn on your test?
[quote]nooberific wrote:
Could you imagine if your immune system really did turn on your test?[/quote]
You would slowly turn into… Emma Stone
[quote]dt79 wrote:
[quote]nooberific wrote:
Could you imagine if your immune system really did turn on your test?[/quote]
You would slowly turn into… Emma Stone[/quote]
I’d bang you.
[quote]13Alex13 wrote:
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
[quote]13Alex13 wrote:
Ok guys here is what I am thinking…
Tommorow is the 14th day from the last Test E injection…
I am not sure if I really need any PCT at all…
I had no sides except fever, I gained nothing and libido is still ok.
I think that my body could not handle those drugs that’s why I had fever after every injection and maybe my body got rid of all those compounts…So my E2 levels might be ok why should I risk to minimize them with Nolva?Isn’t it better to let my body recover on it’s own than adding another drug that it might not help at all?It is supposed also to take Nolva to keep gains from the cycle but…what gains??
In my opinion I am afraid that I am one of those guys that steroids do nothing to them…[/quote]
Everything you just wrote is so, so stupid. Don’t do a PCT then. It sounds like that’s exactly what you deserve at this point.[/quote]
Could you please expain why?
There’s nothing to explain. Everything you said here is factually incorrect. Your body doesn’t ‘reject’ exogenous testosterone. There are no ‘non-responders’. Your diet wasn’t as good as you think it was. And your training wasn’t as good as you think it was.
You also clearly don’t know what PCT is for. Feeling fine and not having side effects is NOT a reason to skip PCT. You’re only 2 weeks from your last pin, so you should be feeling fine. A week from now, this will not likely be the case. Get bloodwork done and then tell me you’re just fine without a PCT.
Your problem is that you’re simply ignoring the proven science as it relates to this subject, and instead trusting theories that you can up with in your own head. That’s a terrible idea. If you’re not smart enough to educate yourself better than this, then nobody can help you.
[quote]nooberific wrote:
[quote]dt79 wrote:
[quote]nooberific wrote:
Could you imagine if your immune system really did turn on your test?[/quote]
You would slowly turn into… Emma Stone[/quote]
I’d bang you.[/quote]
If I turned into Emma Stone and someone told me to go fuck myself, I probably would.
[quote]dt79 wrote:
[quote]nooberific wrote:
[quote]dt79 wrote:
[quote]nooberific wrote:
Could you imagine if your immune system really did turn on your test?[/quote]
You would slowly turn into… Emma Stone[/quote]
I’d bang you.[/quote]
If I turned into Emma Stone and someone told me to go fuck myself, I probably would.[/quote]
fucking made me spit my juice on my computer thanks…lol
Guys that was a simple thought I made and basically I asked some questions…I am not saying I know everything thats why I am asking…As I said this was my first cycle so please don’t be so harsh…
Here is the plan of my diet…You could tell me if this is wrong too…
Meal 1: 250ml milk + 100gr of oats + 8 almonds
Meal 2: Fruit
Meal 3: 1 scoop of Optimum Mass gainer
Meal 4: 300gr of pasta or 250gr of rice or 250gr of grilled potatos with 160gr of chicken or 160gr of tunna or salmon or 210gr of turkey beefs + salad
Meal 5(pre-workout): Fruit
Meal 6(post-workout): 1 1/2 scoop of BSN Syntha6
Meal 7: Sandwich with 3 slice of boiled turkey + 1 slice of milner cheese
Meal 8: Same as Meal 4
Meal 9: 250ml yoghurt with 1 spoon of honey + 6 almonds
Is this diet crap too?
So shall I do a bloodwork first or start Nolva straight away?
That’s not what you’ve been eating completely for the entire period of your cycle and earlier.
What’s your macros, etc. You listed some ingredients. >_<