He he he please allie,…PLEASE!!! Thats rich, then you just off 'em while they beg for their life. Which was you favorite race on battle net?? Protoss for the rush and humans for the long haul. Both had good defense and worked well together. It was soooo funny to sneak a ghost in and nuke their HQ.heh heh
I am a sucker for the old games…
my favorites were/are descent I
and Quake I & II… Quake III was too confusing (graphically).
Terrans are the best I have concluded. I mean, you just can’t stop an army maxed out at 200 of Ghosts (with lockdown) and Goliaths with charon boosters (to kill guardians). I also love Zerg but Toss i am good with but don’t really enjoy playing as. there are no fun units besides the archons who just roll up and totally murder everything.
You forgot Seige Tanks man I love those things. Build a row of supply depots(I think thats what they were called, been a while) for protection from a rush and they will annihilate every thing on the ground. Just keep a few SCV’s around for repairs, with some missle silos for detection, and Golioths for air support. Then I would max out on Goliaths set a rally point and push’em back. I you have enough factories you can just keep’em coming. You’re right about those damned Archons though. If some one knows what they’re doing they can really fuck you up with those things. The only thing about the Zerg is if you have teammates and you expand too far they can build on your creep. God I sound like a NERD! he he he
Yeah, you play the same as me, mucho money map and build 12 factories or so and just keep those fuckers comin. I love reading the kills total at the end of a really good game, they are in like the thousands.
This is a musclehead forum you fucking nerd.
I meant can’t build on your creep
Beserker, this is the OFF-TOPIC section of a musclehead forum. People here tend to show that they’re more well rounded and have interests outside of the iron world. If you don’t like it, that’s fine, but there’s no need for comments like that.
Yea, I got some of those too, muscles that is. Sometimes I choose to challenge my intellect with a game of strategy.
I’m surprised no-one mentioned
System Shock 2
or, for the RTS geeks
Command and Conquer, Red Alert or especially, Total Annihilation
The Heroes of Might and Magic series is fun. I underdstand that part 4 changes things a bit